Hi, I am trying to use Nanopore and some illumina reads from SRA database, I provided the fastq file from SRA its not working with the file, is there any way that can i use the fastq downloaded file for asembly
my Reads looks like this
@SRR2727626.1.1 HWI-D00104:220:C42R8ACXX:2:1101:1345:2204 length=50
+SRR2727626.1.1 HWI-D00104:220:C42R8ACXX:2:1101:1345:2204 length=50
Hi, I am trying to use Nanopore and some illumina reads from SRA database, I provided the fastq file from SRA its not working with the file, is there any way that can i use the fastq downloaded file for asembly
my Reads looks like this @SRR2727626.1.1 HWI-D00104:220:C42R8ACXX:2:1101:1345:2204 length=50 GTAATTCCAAATCTCGATCTATGAATTTTTAAAAAGTAATCTCAAACCTC +SRR2727626.1.1 HWI-D00104:220:C42R8ACXX:2:1101:1345:2204 length=50 9FFBFFBEF?3??8*CEGFCD9FF@@CGIIHFA,BDHF=FDDDBB@;?
Thank you