alekssamos / cloudvision

Vision Bot NVDA addon
MIT License
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The recognition result cannot be displayed in NVDA version alpha-21371 #5

Closed cary-rowen closed 2 years ago

cary-rowen commented 3 years ago

NVDA: alpha-21371,376edfcf Add-on Version:

Quickly press NVDA+CTRL+I twice. After the recognition result is returned, an error sound will be heard, and NVDA is forced to restart.

error log: INFO - main (10:15:59.742) - MainThread (16148): Starting NVDA version alpha-21371,376edfcf INFO - core.main (10:15:59.888) - MainThread (16148): Config dir: C:\Users\manch\AppData\Roaming\nvda INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (10:15:59.888) - MainThread (16148): Loading config: C:\Users\manch\AppData\Roaming\nvda\nvda.ini INFO - core.main (10:16:00.001) - MainThread (16148): Using Windows version 10.0.19042 workstation INFO - core.main (10:16:00.001) - MainThread (16148): Using Python version 3.7.9 (tags/v3.7.9:13c94747c7, Aug 17 2020, 18:01:55) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] INFO - core.main (10:16:00.001) - MainThread (16148): Using comtypes version 1.1.7 INFO - core.main (10:16:00.002) - MainThread (16148): Using configobj version 5.1.0 with validate version 1.0.1 INFO - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (10:16:00.504) - MainThread (16148): Loaded synthDriver vocalizer_expressive2 INFO - core.main (10:16:00.504) - MainThread (16148): Using wx version 4.0.3 msw (phoenix) wxWidgets 3.0.5 with six version 1.12.0 INFO - brailleInput.initialize (10:16:00.505) - MainThread (16148): Braille input initialized INFO - braille.initialize (10:16:00.506) - MainThread (16148): Using liblouis version 3.15.0 INFO - braille.initialize (10:16:00.509) - MainThread (16148): Using pySerial version 3.4 INFO - braille.BrailleHandler.setDisplayByName (10:16:00.513) - MainThread (16148): Loaded braille display driver noBraille, current display has 0 cells. INFO - core.main (10:16:00.721) - MainThread (16148): Java Access Bridge support initialized INFO - _UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThreadFunc (10:16:00.732) - _UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThread (6816): UIAutomation: IUIAutomation6 DEBUGWARNING - inputCore.InputManager.loadLocaleGestureMap (10:16:00.822) - MainThread (16148): No locale gesture map for language zh_CN DEBUGWARNING - touchHandler.touchSupported (10:16:00.858) - MainThread (16148): No touch devices found DEBUGWARNING - abstractEngine.AbstractEngineHandler.getEngineList (10:16:00.929) - MainThread (16148): Engine 'captcha' doesn't pass the check, excluding from list DEBUGWARNING - abstractEngine.AbstractEngineHandler.getEngineList (10:16:00.931) - MainThread (16148): Engine 'sougouOCR' doesn't pass the check, excluding from list DEBUGWARNING - abstractEngine.AbstractEngineHandler.getEngineList (10:16:00.938) - MainThread (16148): Engine 'machineLearning' doesn't pass the check, excluding from list IO - external:globalPlugins.fixime.GuessComposition.get_code_by_name (10:16:00.949) - MainThread (16148): controlconverted to 17 IO - external:globalPlugins.fixime.GuessComposition.get_code_by_name (10:16:00.949) - MainThread (16148): numpadenterconverted to 13 IO - external:globalPlugins.fixime.GuessComposition.get_code_by_name (10:16:00.949) - MainThread (16148): enterconverted to 13 INFO - external:globalPlugins.fixime.GlobalPlugin.refreshLayoutString (10:16:00.954) - MainThread (16148): 2052 INFO - external:globalPlugins.fixime.GlobalPlugin.refreshLayoutString (10:16:00.954) - MainThread (16148): 00000804 IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (10:16:00.958) - winInputHook (15064): Input: kb(laptop):shift+windows+space INFO - external:globalPlugins.fixime.GlobalPlugin.refreshLayoutString (10:16:00.961) - MainThread (16148): 2052 INFO - external:globalPlugins.fixime.GlobalPlugin.refreshLayoutString (10:16:00.961) - MainThread (16148): 00000804 IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (10:16:00.962) - winInputHook (15064): Input: kb(laptop):windows+space INFO - external:globalPlugins.fixime.GlobalPlugin.refreshLayoutString (10:16:00.965) - MainThread (16148): 2052 INFO - external:globalPlugins.fixime.GlobalPlugin.refreshLayoutString (10:16:00.965) - MainThread (16148): 00000804 INFO - core.main (10:16:01.128) - MainThread (16148): NVDA initialized IO - speech.speak (10:16:01.293) - MainThread (16148): Speaking ['空格', EndUtteranceCommand()] IO - speech.speak (10:16:01.295) - MainThread (16148): Speaking ['空格', EndUtteranceCommand()] IO - speech.speak (10:16:01.386) - MainThread (16148): Speaking ['放大', '按钮'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (10:16:01.885) - winInputHook (15064): Input: kb(laptop):escape DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.IAccessible.IAccessible._get_IA2States (10:16:01.904) - MainThread (16148): could not get IAccessible2 states Traceback (most recent call last): File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible__init.pyc", line 1633, in _get_IA2States File "comtypesMonkeyPatches.pyc", line 26, in call__ _ctypes.COMError: (-2147417848, '被调用的对象已与其客户端断开连接。', (None, None, None, 0, None)) DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.IAccessible.IAccessible._get_IA2Attributes (10:16:01.905) - MainThread (16148): IAccessibleObject.attributes COMError (-2147417848, '被调用的对象已与其客户端断开连接。', (None, None, None, 0, None)) DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.IAccessible.IAccessible._get_IAccessibleRole (10:16:01.906) - MainThread (16148): accRole failed: (-2147417848, '被调用的对象已与其客户端断开连接。', (None, None, None, 0, None)) IO - speech.speak (10:16:01.990) - MainThread (16148): Speaking ['桌面', '列表'] IO - speech.speak (10:16:01.994) - MainThread (16148): Speaking ['NVDA'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (10:16:02.333) - winInputHook (15064): Input: kb(laptop):alt+f4 IO - speech.speak (10:16:02.482) - MainThread (16148): Speaking ['关闭 Windows', '对话框', '关闭所有应用,然后关闭电脑。'] IO - speech.speak (10:16:02.488) - MainThread (16148): Speaking ['希望计算机做什么(W)?', '组合框', '关机', '已折叠', 'Alt+w'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (10:16:02.830) - winInputHook (15064): Input: kb(laptop):alt+f4 IO - speech.speak (10:16:02.882) - MainThread (16148): Speaking ['桌面', '列表'] IO - speech.speak (10:16:02.884) - MainThread (16148): Speaking ['NVDA'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (10:16:03.137) - winInputHook (15064): Input: kb(laptop):alt+tab IO - speech.speak (10:16:03.211) - MainThread (16148): Speaking ['亲情永恒'] IO - speech.speak (10:16:03.442) - MainThread (16148): Speaking ['亲情永恒'] IO - speech.speak (10:16:03.553) - MainThread (16148): Speaking ['输入', '编辑框', '多行', '空白'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (10:16:03.746) - winInputHook (15064): Input: kb(laptop):alt+f4 IO - speech.speak (10:16:03.823) - MainThread (16148): Speaking ['桌面', '列表'] IO - speech.speak (10:16:03.831) - MainThread (16148): Speaking ['NVDA'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (10:16:04.903) - winInputHook (15064): Input: kb(laptop):control+NVDA+i IO - speech.speak (10:16:04.907) - MainThread (16148): Speaking ['识别查看对象'] DEBUGWARNING - Python warning (10:16:04.908) - MainThread (16148): C:\Users\manch\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\CloudVision\globalPlugins\ wxPyDeprecationWarning: Call to deprecated item EmptyBitmap. Use :class:wx.Bitmap instead bmp = wx.EmptyBitmap(width, height) IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (10:16:05.049) - winInputHook (15064): Input: kb(laptop):control+NVDA+i INFO - external:globalPlugins.fixime.patchIMESupport.inputLangChangeNotify (10:16:17.933) - Dummy-5 (2988): threadID16148 hkl:134481924 layoutString微软拼音

INFO - external:globalPlugins.fixime.patchIMESupport.patchedHICM (10:16:17.951) - MainThread (16148): oldFlags 1 newFlags: 1025 lcid 2052 INFO - external:globalPlugins.fixime.patchIMESupport.inputLangChangeNotify (10:16:17.991) - Dummy-5 (2988): threadID392 hkl:134481924 layoutString微软拼音

IO - speech.speak (10:16:18.091) - MainThread (16148): Speaking ['识别结果'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (10:16:19.741) - winInputHook (15064): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (10:16:20.094) - winInputHook (15064): Input: kb(laptop):escape CRITICAL - watchdog._crashHandler (10:16:18.282) - Dummy-6 (392): NVDA crashed! Minidump written to C:\Users\manch\AppData\Local\Temp\nvda.log..\nvda_crash.dmp INFO - watchdog._crashHandler (10:16:20.650) - Dummy-6 (392): Listing stacks for Python threads: Python stack for thread 392 (Dummy-6): File "watchdog.pyc", line 213, in _crashHandler File "watchdog.pyc", line 63, in getFormattedStacksForAllThreads

Python stack for thread 15732 (virtualBuffers.MSHTML.VirtualBuffer.loadBuffer): File "threading.pyc", line 890, in _bootstrap File "threading.pyc", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner File "threading.pyc", line 870, in run File "virtualBuffers__init__.pyc", line 444, in _loadBuffer

Python stack for thread 13792 (watchdog): File "threading.pyc", line 890, in _bootstrap File "threading.pyc", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner File "threading.pyc", line 870, in run File "watchdog.pyc", line 120, in _watcher

Python stack for thread 15064 (winInputHook): File "threading.pyc", line 890, in _bootstrap File "threading.pyc", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner File "threading.pyc", line 870, in run File "winInputHook.pyc", line 79, in hookThreadFunc

Python stack for thread 6816 (_UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThread): File "threading.pyc", line 890, in _bootstrap File "threading.pyc", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner File "threading.pyc", line 870, in run File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 315, in MTAThreadFunc File "queue.pyc", line 170, in get File "threading.pyc", line 296, in wait

Python stack for thread 12476 (Thread-1): File "threading.pyc", line 890, in _bootstrap File "threading.pyc", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner File "C:\Users\manch\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\vocalizer_expressive2_driver\synthDrivers\", line 34, in run instance, inText = self._bgQueue.get() File "queue.pyc", line 170, in get File "threading.pyc", line 296, in wait

Python stack for thread 16148 (MainThread): File "nvda.pyw", line 247, in File "core.pyc", line 568, in main File "wx\core.pyc", line 2134, in MainLoop File "gui__init.pyc", line 1062, in Notify File "core.pyc", line 544, in run File "baseObject.pyc", line 159, in invalidateCaches File "comtypesMonkeyPatches.pyc", line 105, in newCpbDel File "comtypes\init.pyc", line 918, in del File "comtypes\init.pyc", line 1172, in Release File "comtypesMonkeyPatches.pyc", line 26, in call__

INFO - watchdog._crashHandler (10:16:20.650) - Dummy-6 (392): Restarting due to crash IO - speech.speak (10:16:20.697) - MainThread (16148): Speaking ['正在加载文档...']

alekssamos commented 3 years ago

Ok, thanks, I figured out what the problem is and will fix it shortly.

alekssamos commented 3 years ago

Hello, @cary-rowen . The restart issue is already in NVDA. To check it out, Open NVDA menu, service, the python console and run these two commands:

import ui

ui. browseableMessage("some text", "title")

Report an error in the" ui.browseableMessage " function in nvaccess.

cary-rowen commented 3 years ago

OK, Thanks, I have reproduced this issue. Digression:

Is it possible to allow CloudVision to obtain the image data it wants to recognize from the clipboard?