alekswebnet / vue-quilly

Tiny Vue component, that helps to create Quill v2 based WYSIWYG editors
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Editor breaks when working with semantic HTML #10

Open jtuchel opened 2 days ago

jtuchel commented 2 days ago

Thanks for this awesome project, really helps a lot :)

I created a very small wrapper component to work with vue-quilly ( playground => )

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, onMounted, computed } from 'vue';
import type { QuillOptions } from 'quill';
import Quill from 'quill';
import { QuillyEditor } from 'vue-quilly';
import 'quill/dist/quill.core.css';
import 'quill/dist/quill.snow.css';

const props = defineProps<{
  value: string;

const emit = defineEmits<{
  (e: 'change', value: string): void;
  (e: 'focus-change', isFocused: boolean): void;

const quillEditor = ref<InstanceType<typeof QuillyEditor>>();

let quill: Quill | null = null;

const quillEditorOptions = computed((): QuillOptions => {
  return {
    // other options based on props
    modules: {
      toolbar: [
          { list: 'ordered' },
          { list: 'bullet' },
    theme: 'snow',

onMounted(() => {
  quill = quillEditor.value?.initialize(Quill)!;

  <!-- Other HTML e.g. Tooltip, Hint, ... -->
      (newContent) => {
        emit('change', newContent);
    @selection-change="() => { emit('focus-change', quill!.hasFocus()); }"

Everything works as expected. But I need the semantic HTML so this issue targets

So when changing the update event to ( playground => )

      (newContent) => {
        emit('change', quill!.getSemanticHTML());

the Editor breaks. Have a look at the playground, try to jump into a new line by pressing the enter key. You should see that the cursor jumps to the beginning of the line instead of inserting a new line.

Any chance to fix this?

alekswebnet commented 2 days ago

@jtuchel The issue is fixed in the last release: Now, you can choose the semantic HTML model with :is-semantic-html-model="true" property. I've update the documentation. Thanks for informing!