alekzonder / docker-puppeteer

docker image with Google Puppeteer installed
MIT License
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Screenshots of long pages get interrupted #10

Open derFunk opened 6 years ago

derFunk commented 6 years ago

Screnshooting longer pages result in incomplete images.


docker run --shm-size 1G --rm -v ${PWD}:/screenshots alekzonder/puppeteer:latest full_screenshot_series "" 1366x768 1500

Gives this result: image

Is there any way to receive a complete screenshot of longer pages?

derFunk commented 6 years ago

It's a Chromium Bug: Here's an example how to make screenshotting long pages work:

Maybe this can get included into your Docker image @alekzonder ?

alekzonder commented 6 years ago

@derFunk yes, i add screenshot patch to docker image

derFunk commented 6 years ago

I created this, it should be working:

I extended the returned JSON to contain the created single image filenames with the 16k max texture size, and I also removed the need to query for a height dimension as a command line argument.

Stitching the single images together has to be done with e.g. ImageMagick: convert -append file1.png file2.png out.png, by iterating over the filenames (e.g. jq -r '.files[].filename'). It would be an optimization step to do stitching in the container already.

I had a little caveat though: Pretty regularly I encountered that the screenshot loop gets stuck, resulting in Error: Protocol error (Page.captureScreenshot): Target closed.. I didn't dig too deep into it, but found out that a page reload inside of the for loop seems to mitigate that specific error. It's a dirty hack (and commented out in my Gist), without me knowing why this helps, I just tried out several things to fix the getting-stuck problem.

I'll continue testing and can eventually provide a PR.