alelievr / HDRP-Custom-Passes

A bunch of custom passes made for HDRP
MIT License
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Render from different camera to a texture/rendertexture #35

Closed ArieLeo closed 2 years ago

ArieLeo commented 2 years ago

Is it possible to from different camera and output the frame buffer to a texture/rendertexture with custom pass? my use case is for minimap , a custom buffer for terrain deformation or water ripple. any chance to get a small sample scene for this? I guess it's similar to CopyPass sample but rendered from different camera?

alelievr commented 2 years ago

Yeah, it's possible with the RenderFrom functions in the CustomPassUtils class. You can have a look at this file for implementation details: (instead of render depth, or normal, you can render the color)

ArieLeo commented 2 years ago

Is it required the camera component to be enabled? this could impact the performance isn't? Or i can disabled the camera component just like the FPS Foreground sample?

ArieLeo commented 2 years ago

Oh i see, it works now. In previous beta version this setup wasn't working, i guess it was bugged. Like the custom pass just render once. it doesn't updating unless i keep the camera component enabled

ArieLeo commented 2 years ago

@alelievr any idea why this is happened


ArieLeo commented 2 years ago

oh i found the issue, need to set the depth stencil format to none in the render texture. Sorry false alarm image