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Resume from latest if there is no latest #111

Open vsemecky opened 2 years ago

vsemecky commented 2 years ago

I have enabled resume_run and set resume_from_frame to latest. I would expect that if there is no "latest" image in the directory yet, it would start normally from scratch. But it will start from -1.

Then in the output directory there are MyBatchName(-1)_0000.png files instead of the correct MyBatchName(0)_0000.png.

PS: I can fix it and send a pull request, just let me know if it makes sense.

aletts commented 2 years ago

I've got some changes in progress so I won't merge it right now.. but I think the following awkward, untested code may work:

if resume_run:
    if run_to_resume == 'latest':
            batchNum = len(glob(f"{batchFolder}/{batch_name}(*)_settings.txt"))-1
            if batchNum < 0:
                print("resume_run set to True, but there is no run to resume. Starting a new run.")
                resume_run = False
        batchNum = int(run_to_resume)

if resume_run:
    if resume_from_frame == 'latest':
        start_frame = len(glob(batchFolder+f"/{batch_name}({batchNum})_*.png"))
        if animation_mode == '3D' and turbo_mode and start_frame > turbo_preroll and start_frame % int(turbo_steps) != 0:
            start_frame = start_frame - (start_frame % int(turbo_steps))
        start_frame = int(resume_from_frame)+1
        if animation_mode == '3D' and turbo_mode and start_frame > turbo_preroll and start_frame % int(turbo_steps) != 0:
            start_frame = start_frame - (start_frame % int(turbo_steps))
        if retain_overwritten_frames is True:
            existing_frames = len(glob(batchFolder+f"/{batch_name}({batchNum})_*.png"))
            frames_to_save = existing_frames - start_frame
            print(f'Moving {frames_to_save} frames to the Retained folder')
            move_files(start_frame, existing_frames, batchFolder, retainFolder)
    start_frame = 0
    batchNum = len(glob(batchFolder+"/*.txt"))
    while os.path.isfile(f"{batchFolder}/{batch_name}({batchNum})_settings.txt") or os.path.isfile(f"{batchFolder}/{batch_name}-{batchNum}_settings.txt"):
        batchNum += 1