alembics / disco-diffusion

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Disco Diffusion not working on CPU #130

Open zludosan opened 2 years ago

zludosan commented 2 years ago

This error appears when trying to compute with CPU on both Google servers and locally.


diego-rapoport commented 1 year ago

Same issue here. Only tried inside Colab.

fudaming commented 1 year ago
#@title ### 1.3 Install, import dependencies and set up runtime devices

import pathlib, shutil, os, sys

# There are some reports that with a T4 or V100 on Colab, downgrading to a previous version of PyTorch may be necessary.
# .. but there are also reports that downgrading breaks them!  If you're facing issues, you may want to try uncommenting and running this code.
# nvidiasmi_output =['nvidia-smi'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8')
# cards_requiring_downgrade = ["Tesla T4", "V100"]
# if is_colab:
#     if any(cardstr in nvidiasmi_output for cardstr in cards_requiring_downgrade):
#         print("Downgrading pytorch. This can take a couple minutes ...")
#         downgrade_pytorch_result =['pip', 'install', 'torch==1.10.2', 'torchvision==0.11.3', '-q'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8')
#         print("pytorch downgraded.")

#@markdown Check this if you want to use CPU
useCPU = True #@param {type:"boolean"}