alenaksu / mdPickers

Material Design date/time pickers for Angular Material
MIT License
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Required State still invalid #163

Open benreibriongos opened 7 years ago

benreibriongos commented 7 years ago

I update the ng-model via data-binding of the result of the promise object but the required state never change and still invalid even the model was successfully updated.

This what i got: class="md-block ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-isolate-scope flex ng-empty ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-valid-format ng-valid-min-date ng-valid-max-date ng-valid-filter"`

I expect the class below since i already populate the data via data-binding class="md-block ng-untouched ng-isolate-scope flex ng-valid-format ng-valid-min-date ng-valid-max-date ng-valid-filter ng-not-empty ng-dirty ng-valid-parse ng-valid ng-valid-required"`

haris4063 commented 7 years ago


archcorsair commented 7 years ago


livioalves commented 7 years ago
