alenkimov / tweepy-self

Twitter (selfbot) for Python!
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Automatic Email Auth Code Detection #4

Open ErSauravAdhikari opened 1 month ago

ErSauravAdhikari commented 1 month ago

We can get the auth code automatically using the following logic

import asyncio
import email as emaillib
import imaplib
import os
import time
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class EmailLoginError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, message="Email login error"):
        self.message = message

class EmailCodeTimeoutError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, message="Email code timeout"):
        self.message = message

class EmailClient:
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",

    def add_imap_mapping(cls, email_domain: str, imap_domain: str):
        cls.IMAP_MAPPING[email_domain] = imap_domain

    def _get_imap_domain(cls, email: str) -> str:
        email_domain = email.split("@")[1]
        if email_domain in cls.IMAP_MAPPING:
            return cls.IMAP_MAPPING[email_domain]
        return f"imap.{email_domain}"

    def __init__(self, email: str, password: str, wait_email_code: int): = email
        self.password = password
        self.wait_email_code = wait_email_code
        self.domain = self._get_imap_domain(email)
        self.imap = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(self.domain)

    async def login(self):
            self.imap.login(, self.password)
  "INBOX", readonly=True)
  "Logged into {} on {self.domain}")
        except imaplib.IMAP4.error as e:
            logger.error(f"Error logging into {} on {self.domain}: {e}")
            raise EmailLoginError() from e

    async def _wait_email_code(self, count: int, min_t: datetime | None) -> str | None:
        for i in range(count, 0, -1):
            _, rep = self.imap.fetch(str(i), "(RFC822)")
            for x in rep:
                if isinstance(x, tuple):
                    msg = emaillib.message_from_bytes(x[1])
                    msg_time = msg.get("Date", "").split("(")[0].strip()
                    msg_time = datetime.strptime(msg_time, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")
                    msg_from = str(msg.get("From", "")).lower()
                    msg_subj = str(msg.get("Subject", "")).lower()
          "({i} of {count}) {msg_from} - {msg_time} - {msg_subj}")

                    if "" in msg_from and "confirmation code is" in msg_subj:
                        return msg_subj.split(" ")[-1].strip()
        return None

    async def get_email_code(self, min_t: datetime | None = None) -> str:
  "Waiting for confirmation code for {}...")
            start_time = time.time()
            while True:
                _, rep ="INBOX")
                msg_count = int(rep[0].decode("utf-8")) if rep and rep[0] else 0
                code = await self._wait_email_code(msg_count, min_t)
                if code:
                    return code

                if self.wait_email_code < time.time() - start_time:
                    raise EmailCodeTimeoutError(f"Email code timeout ({self.wait_email_code} sec)")

                await asyncio.sleep(5)
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

async def test():
    now_time = - timedelta(seconds=30) # Look from 30 seconds ago
    print("Searching from: ", now_time)
    wait_email_code = int(os.getenv("TWS_WAIT_EMAIL_CODE", os.getenv("LOGIN_CODE_TIMEOUT", 30)))
    client = EmailClient("....", "...", wait_email_code)
    await client.login()

    print("Logged in")
    code = await client.get_email_code(now_time)

    print("Code is", code)

    return code

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import asyncio

Credits: Code inspired from twscrape (not all of the above code orginally belongs to me)

ErSauravAdhikari commented 1 month ago

We can then modify the login code from as:

    async def _login(self) -> bool:
        update_backup_code = False

        guest_token = await self._request_guest_token()
        self._session.headers["X-Guest-Token"] = guest_token

        flow_token, subtasks = await self._request_login_tasks()
        for _ in range(2):
            flow_token, subtasks = await self._login_enter_user_identifier(flow_token)

        subtask_ids = { for subtask in subtasks}
        if "LoginEnterAlternateIdentifierSubtask" in subtask_ids:
            if not self.account.username:
                raise TwitterException("Failed to login: no username to relogin")

        flow_token, subtasks = await self._login_enter_password(flow_token)
        flow_token, subtasks = await self._account_duplication_check(flow_token)

        for subtask in subtasks:
            if == "LoginAcid":
                if not
                    raise TwitterException(
                        f"Failed to login. Task id: LoginAcid." f" No email!"

                if subtask.primary_text == "Check your email":
                    # raise TwitterException(
                    #     f"Failed to login. Task id: LoginAcid."
                    #     f" Email verification required!"
                    #     f" No IMAP handler for this version of library :<"
                    # )
                    flow_token, subtasks = await self._login_email_auth_challenge(flow_token,, self.account.email_password)
                        # fmt: off
                        flow_token, subtasks = await self._login_acid(flow_token,
                        # fmt: on
                    except HTTPException as exc:
                        if 399 in exc.api_codes:
                                f"(auth_token={self.account.hidden_auth_token}, id={}, username={self.account.username})"
                                f" Bad email!"
                            raise TwitterException(
                                f"Failed to login. Task id: LoginAcid. Bad email!"

        subtask_ids = { for subtask in subtasks}

        if "LoginTwoFactorAuthChallenge" in subtask_ids:
            if not self.account.totp_secret:
                raise TwitterException(
                    f"Failed to login. Task id: LoginTwoFactorAuthChallenge. No totp_secret!"

                # fmt: off
                flow_token, subtasks = await self._login_two_factor_auth_challenge(flow_token, self.account.get_totp_code())
                # fmt: on
            except HTTPException as exc:
                if 399 in exc.api_codes:
                        f"(auth_token={self.account.hidden_auth_token}, id={}, username={self.account.username})"
                        f" Bad TOTP secret!"
                    if not self.account.backup_code:
                        raise TwitterException(
                            f"Failed to login. Task id: LoginTwoFactorAuthChallenge. No backup code!"

                    # Enter backup code
                    # fmt: off
                    flow_token, subtasks = await self._login_two_factor_auth_choose_method(flow_token)
                        flow_token, subtasks = await self._login_two_factor_auth_challenge(flow_token, self.account.backup_code)
                    except HTTPException as exc:
                        if 399 in exc.api_codes:
                                f"(auth_token={self.account.hidden_auth_token}, id={}, username={self.account.username})"
                                f" Bad backup code!"
                            raise TwitterException(
                                f"Failed to login. Task id: LoginTwoFactorAuthChallenge. Bad backup_code!"

                    update_backup_code = True
                    # fmt: on

        await self._complete_subtask(flow_token, [])
        return update_backup_code

This will use another method, that is defined as:

    async def _login_email_auth_challenge(self, flow_token, email, password):
        print("Waiting for the email auth challange")
        code = await login_and_get_token(email, password, 30)
        # code = input("Enter the code: ")

        inputs = [
                "subtask_id": "LoginAcid",
                "enter_text": {"text": code, "link": "next_link"},

        print(f"Found {code} and sending email auth challange code")
        return await self._complete_subtask(flow_token, inputs, auth=False)
ErSauravAdhikari commented 1 month ago

This logs in to account that have not been banned.

But this process fails when the account has been banned. Even when we have the capsolver API key set up, as it does not properly handle the unlock, which I can't seem to figure out why.

That's why I did not submit this as a pull request 😄

alenkimov commented 1 month ago

I can see you've done a lot of work and that's really cool. I'll check it out when I have time, thanks❤️

ErSauravAdhikari commented 1 month ago

My pleasure,

Please do tell me if I can help in any way or form.

I can also submit this as a PR, but as I mentioned some more work needs to be done to refine this. The above setup works for most of the cases, I am currently using the modified code locally with auto email otp auth. Works perfectly most of the time. But when we need to solve captcha, it fails, that might also be due to how the library is handling things in regards to capsolver, that is where I am a bit lost.

mevichi commented 2 weeks ago

We can get the auth code automatically using the following logic

import asyncio
import email as emaillib
import imaplib
import os
import time
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class EmailLoginError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, message="Email login error"):
        self.message = message

class EmailCodeTimeoutError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, message="Email code timeout"):
        self.message = message

class EmailClient:
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",

    def add_imap_mapping(cls, email_domain: str, imap_domain: str):
        cls.IMAP_MAPPING[email_domain] = imap_domain

    def _get_imap_domain(cls, email: str) -> str:
        email_domain = email.split("@")[1]
        if email_domain in cls.IMAP_MAPPING:
            return cls.IMAP_MAPPING[email_domain]
        return f"imap.{email_domain}"

    def __init__(self, email: str, password: str, wait_email_code: int): = email
        self.password = password
        self.wait_email_code = wait_email_code
        self.domain = self._get_imap_domain(email)
        self.imap = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(self.domain)

    async def login(self):
            self.imap.login(, self.password)
  "INBOX", readonly=True)
  "Logged into {} on {self.domain}")
        except imaplib.IMAP4.error as e:
            logger.error(f"Error logging into {} on {self.domain}: {e}")
            raise EmailLoginError() from e

    async def _wait_email_code(self, count: int, min_t: datetime | None) -> str | None:
        for i in range(count, 0, -1):
            _, rep = self.imap.fetch(str(i), "(RFC822)")
            for x in rep:
                if isinstance(x, tuple):
                    msg = emaillib.message_from_bytes(x[1])
                    msg_time = msg.get("Date", "").split("(")[0].strip()
                    msg_time = datetime.strptime(msg_time, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")
                    msg_from = str(msg.get("From", "")).lower()
                    msg_subj = str(msg.get("Subject", "")).lower()
          "({i} of {count}) {msg_from} - {msg_time} - {msg_subj}")

                    if "" in msg_from and "confirmation code is" in msg_subj:
                        return msg_subj.split(" ")[-1].strip()
        return None

    async def get_email_code(self, min_t: datetime | None = None) -> str:
  "Waiting for confirmation code for {}...")
            start_time = time.time()
            while True:
                _, rep ="INBOX")
                msg_count = int(rep[0].decode("utf-8")) if rep and rep[0] else 0
                code = await self._wait_email_code(msg_count, min_t)
                if code:
                    return code

                if self.wait_email_code < time.time() - start_time:
                    raise EmailCodeTimeoutError(f"Email code timeout ({self.wait_email_code} sec)")

                await asyncio.sleep(5)
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

async def test():
    now_time = - timedelta(seconds=30) # Look from 30 seconds ago
    print("Searching from: ", now_time)
    wait_email_code = int(os.getenv("TWS_WAIT_EMAIL_CODE", os.getenv("LOGIN_CODE_TIMEOUT", 30)))
    client = EmailClient("....", "...", wait_email_code)
    await client.login()

    print("Logged in")
    code = await client.get_email_code(now_time)

    print("Code is", code)

    return code

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import asyncio

Credits: Code inspired from twscrape (not all of the above code orginally belongs to me)

Nice job ! I guess that you need to add rep.reverse() to get the last email with the code. otherwise you'll always get the first email.