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Investigate using in-app browser for dApps #95

Open nop33 opened 8 months ago

nop33 commented 8 months ago

Users report several uncomfortable situations while using the mobile wallet with WalletConnect to connect to dApps on their phones.

@diomark reports:

  1. signing request doesnt' popup the wallet automatically (user needs to manually switch and check it)
  2. it doesnt' always re-connect automatically when you navigate back to chrome

Related issue:

2 other users suggest that:

Possible to get browser in wallet it removes this issue

Browser in wallet has been the smoothest experience ive had and the easiest to utilise for all mobile types. sometimes itt can feel clunky moving between browser and wallet. but a permenant connection to browser through wallet thats behind the log in pin makes it all so much smoother.

I personally wonder what the security implications of allowing the user to browse the web from within the app are. To be investigated...

mvaivre commented 8 months ago

In terms of security, I don't think there's much of a risk. The in-app browser is a sandbox as far as I know, not really different from using the dedicated browser app. To be verified of course.

nop33 commented 8 months ago

Just checked Rainbow, Argent, and Metamask. Only Metamask allows the user to browse the web through the app.

nop33 commented 7 months ago

Worth mentioning that in a questionaire I had to answer before publishing our app to the App Store, one of the questions was something like "Can the user browser the web through your app".

MaudSimon commented 5 months ago

Hi @nop33 & @mvaivre more and more people are requesting this option see conversation below

mvaivre commented 5 months ago

We have ideas on how to fix the WalletConnect disconnection issues, which we want to investigate first. If this gets us nowhere, we'll be looking into in-app browser soon.

nop33 commented 3 months ago

Yesterday I saw that Metamask uses