The League of Movable Type font packages are a mess. This is largely because the upstream project(s) are a mess. In many cases the latest fonts are not even in the official fork.
I'm working to fix this upstream and will update Arch packages as they are sanitized. This issue is to track progress:
[ ] ttf-ostrich-sans
[ ] ttf-sorts-mill-goudy
[ ] ttf-sniglet
[ ] ttf-prociono
[ ] ttf-orbitron
[ ] ttf-junction
[ ] ttf-league-mono
[ ] ttf-league-script-number-one
[ ] ttf-knewave
[ ] ttf-chunk
[ ] ttf-fanwood
[ ] ttf-blackout
[ ] ttf-goudy-bookletter-1911
[ ] ttf-linden-hill
[ ] otf-raleway
[ ] otf-chunk
[ ] league-spartan-font
[ ] league-gothic-font
[ ] league-spartan-font-git
And of course when all of those are don this should be done too:
The League of Movable Type font packages are a mess. This is largely because the upstream project(s) are a mess. In many cases the latest fonts are not even in the official fork.
I'm working to fix this upstream and will update Arch packages as they are sanitized. This issue is to track progress:
And of course when all of those are don this should be done too: