alerque / decasify

A CLI utility, Rust crate, Lua Rock, Python module, JavaScript module, and Neovim plugin to cast strings to title-case according to locale specific style guides including Turkish support.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Implement French title casing rules #11

Open alerque opened 2 months ago

alerque commented 2 months ago

It looks like French is one of the harder cases around for Title Case rules, and (perhaps consequently) also in demand. There also doesn't seem to be a Rust implementation yet. This on in JavaScript is evidently the best I've seen so far but even that highlights the complexity and disagreement over style guides.

If this library is going to be usable in places like SILE or Typst, it aught to have more than just English and Turkish out of the gate. Especially since SILE has French contributors it seems like a likely candidate to try to implement here.