alerque / libertinus

The Libertinus font family
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Alternative combination for i-hook #481

Open KrasnayaPloshchad opened 2 years ago

KrasnayaPloshchad commented 2 years ago

I found a variant of ỉ on the Dictionarium Annamiticum Lusitanum et Latinum (i.e. “Dictionary of Vietnamese, Portuguese and Latin”) that ratains the tittle, in this case the hook is placed at the right of character frame, and the altitude of hook is sightly lower. To implement this variant, you can just modify the mark attachment for 0069 0307 0309.


Crissov commented 2 years ago

I’ve seen in the I Love Typography documentation of Brill that it features a local style for Lithuanian which keeps tittles.

The special treatment of the title in Vietnamese I’ve seen documented, too, but for another typeface and sadly I don’t remember which one.

KrasnayaPloshchad commented 2 years ago

I haven’t seen so much documents for this, but I discovered some photos showing such usage in Vietnamese.