alerque / libertinus

The Libertinus font family
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U+22BB \veebar: ⊻ #532

Open imyxh opened 1 year ago

imyxh commented 1 year ago

Hey, thanks for the great font!

I think it'd be nice to have ⊻, an alternative to \oplus for xor. It's the default xor operator in Julia, for example. I noticed it didn't show up in the LaTeX package (by the way, how does the LaTeX package get updated? should I file this issue somewhere else too?) but it doesn't seem to be in the regular font either.

I'd love to help but I have no experience designing fonts and am worried I'd make something ugly :P

kopeckyf commented 1 year ago


I created ⊻ based on the existing ∨ for a book project at Language Science Press. The changes are not upstream in this repository and need to be merged once someone with merging powers becomes active again. In the meantime, you could this compiled OTF:

Here's a minimal TeX document to use that symbol:




The Libertinus package for the TeX distributions is managed by Herbert Voß. I'm sure that Herbert would be happy to update the sources once a new release from Libertinus becomes available – maybe this new release will include the ⊻ glpyh.

You could also merge the code I used into your local sfd font sources:

StartChar: uni022B
Encoding: 555 555 618
Width: 504
GlyphClass: 2
Flags: MW
LayerCount: 2
351 665 m 2
 127 665 l 2
 118 665 114 676 114 683 c 0
 114 695 125 715 136 715 c 2
 361 715 l 2
 371 715 375 704 375 698 c 0
 375 686 364 665 351 665 c 2
121 575 m 0
 121 601 142 623 168 623 c 0
 194 623 215 601 215 575 c 0
 215 549 194 528 168 528 c 0
 142 528 121 549 121 575 c 0
290 575 m 0
 290 601 311 623 337 623 c 0
 363 623 384 601 384 575 c 0
 384 549 363 528 337 528 c 0
 311 528 290 549 290 575 c 0
41 205 m 0
 41 268.2 60 326.4 96.3 369 c 0
 132.9 412 187.2 439 253 439 c 0
 406 439 463 318 463 214 c 0
 463 152.7 442.7 89.8 397.9 46 c 0
 363.8 12.7 315.4 -10 251 -10 c 0
 109 -10 41 103 41 205 c 0
238 404 m 0
 148 404 127 315 127 228 c 0
 127 151 161 25 265 25 c 0
 312 25 377 56 377 182 c 0
 377 326 324 404 238 404 c 0
Colour: ff00ff
imyxh commented 1 year ago

@kopeckyf thanks so much!!

waldyrious commented 1 year ago

The changes are not upstream in this repository and need to be merged

Is there an open PR for this that you could point to, for the record?

kopeckyf commented 1 year ago

@waldyrious not yet, I thought I'd wait until the excellent #454 is merged.

The eventual PR should not only include ⊻, but maybe also ⩒, ⊼ and some other math glyphs I've been working on.