alerque / libertinus

The Libertinus font family
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Feature request: ligature OR improved kerning for pair "Ti" #551

Open tytyvillus opened 4 months ago

tytyvillus commented 4 months ago

As it stands, the pair "Ti" is badly kerned: the top bar of the T is uncomfortably close to the tittle on the i. (The following screenshot is taken for text with dlig, ss01, ss05, ss06 and ss07 [TeX options Ligatures=Rare, StylisticSet={1,5,6,7}].)


Solutions could include:

kimmus commented 4 months ago

For consistent appearance, adding a ‘Ti’ ligature would entail also adding a ‘Tj’ ligature. English has no words (or no common words) beginning with tj, but other languages do, such as Swedish. ‘Tjuven togs på bar gärning’ = The thief was caught in the act.