alerque / libertinus

The Libertinus font family
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Request to Reduce Kerning Between `j` and `l` in Libertinus Mono font for Better LaTeX Representation #554

Open singularitti opened 2 months ago

singularitti commented 2 months ago

I am a Julia package developer and frequently document my work using LaTeX. I've encountered an issue with the Libertinus Mono font, particularly when typesetting Julia file extensions (.jl) using \texttt{}. The kerning between the letters j and l appears larger than ideal, which affects the presentation of file names in my LaTeX documents.

Could you please consider reducing the kerning between these two characters in the Libertinus Mono font? This adjustment would improve the clarity and visual representation of .jl extensions in technical documents.

Below is a Minimal Working Example (MWE) illustrating the issue:

\texttt{example.jl} jl \textbf{jl}

Thank you for your attention to this matter and for your contributions to the Libertinus font family.

kimmus commented 2 months ago

How can you have kerning in a monospaced font?

singularitti commented 2 months ago

Forgive my words... I mean the spacing between j and l. Is that possible?

kimmus commented 2 months ago

Only by shifting j and/or l within the space allotted to them, which is the same for every character in the font. Such an adjustment would affect the spacing of every other combination with the adjusted character(s).—I’m not a font designer, I just follow these discussions because I use the font. But I know that monospaced fonts are quite inflexible.

waldyrious commented 2 months ago

Only by shifting j and/or l within the space allotted to them, which is the same for every character in the font. Such an adjustment would affect the spacing of every other combination with the adjusted character(s).

For the record, that's precisely the principle behind the technique used in the Monaspace font, which they call "texture healing". It's described in this document and in the project's website, but here's an image demonstrating the effect (note the changes in the l, the m and the i):


singularitti commented 2 months ago

Thanks for replying @waldyrious! Does Libertinus support or will support this feature?

waldyrious commented 2 months ago

As far as I am aware, there are no plans to implement this. I just thought I'd mention the technique here in case it helps address this issue.