alerta / alerta-contrib

Contributed integrations, plugins and custom webhooks
MIT License
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syslog implementation steps required #338

Closed callahan22 closed 3 years ago

callahan22 commented 3 years ago

There seems to be little to no documentation to implement the syslog component. I've built a custom docker image with the syslog forwarder baked in. I've exposed port 514/udp and 514/tcp on my docker host.

Now what?

I can send syslogs to the docker host but nothing appears in Alerta. What do I need to configure? The alertad.conf file? If so, what options are available to me? Where do I put the community settings?

Happy to add the config I use to this post for others to benefit if I can get it working!

satterly commented 3 years ago

Did you take a look at the README? If so, what settings have you made so far, and where?

callahan22 commented 3 years ago

Hi Nick,

I did, so perhaps I'm just being a bit dumb! I've got it installed, via pip in a custom docker build and confirmed it's installed by execing into it. The ports are mapped in the docker-compose file so 514 TCP & UDP are open.

Edit After some further playing....

My docker container is running on ports:>514/tcp,>8080/tcp,>514/udp





I'm passing the following env variable in docker-compose:

      - DEBUG=1

I'm testing from the Linux host running the docker container: logger -n -P 514 "Test message"

I was expecting something to show up in the webGUI but I see nothing. The logs seems to suggest that it's receiving the test syslog:

2020-12-23 11:35:05,609 DEBG 'uwsgi' stdout output:
[2020-12-23 11:35:05,609] DEBUG in base:
            INSERT INTO metrics ("group", name, title, description, count, total_time, type)
            VALUES ('alerts', 'queries', 'Alert queries', 'Total time and number of alert queries', 1, 8, 'timer')
            ON CONFLICT ("group", name, type) DO UPDATE
                SET count=metrics.count + 1, total_time=metrics.total_time + 8
            RETURNING *
satterly commented 3 years ago

I would guess alert-syslog is not even running. Did you start it? What's the log or debug output for it?

callahan22 commented 3 years ago

I created a custom Dockerfile as follows:

#Pull base image from alerta-web
FROM alerta/alerta-web
#Switch to root
USER root
#Update base image
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y upgrade
RUN apt-get autoclean
RUN apt-get clean
RUN pip install --upgrade pip
USER 1001
#Install additional integrations
RUN /venv/bin/pip install git+
RUN /venv/bin/pip install git+
RUN /venv/bin/pip install python-ldap

Starting up alerta, from the logs, I see the following integrations loaded at startup:

MongoDB shell version v4.2.11
psql (PostgreSQL) 11.9 (Debian 11.9-0+deb10u1)
Python 3.7.9
Package                  Version
------------------------ ---------
aiohttp                  3.7.3
alerta                   8.3.0
alerta-amqp              5.4.1
alerta-cachet            5.0.1
alerta-ding              0.0.1
alerta-enhance           5.3.3
alerta-geoip             5.4.0
alerta-influxdb          5.4.3
alerta-logger            5.3.2
alerta-logstash          5.3.3
alerta-mailer            5.2.1
alerta-mattermost        1.1.3
alerta-msteams           5.2.1
alerta-normalise         5.3.1
alerta-op5               5.0.2
alerta-opsgenie          5.0.2
alerta-pagerduty         5.3.1
alerta-prometheus        5.4.0
alerta-pubsub            5.2.2
alerta-pushover          5.3.2
alerta-rocketchat        5.0.0
alerta-server            8.3.1
alerta-slack             5.5.1
alerta-sns               5.3.1
alerta-syslog            3.5.0
alerta-telegram          5.1.3
alerta-twilio            5.4.0
alerta-zabbix            5.1.2
amqp                     5.0.2
async-timeout            3.0.1
attrs                    20.3.0
bcrypt                   3.2.0
blinker                  1.4
boto                     2.49.0
Brotli                   1.0.9
cachetools               4.2.0
certifi                  2020.12.5
cffi                     1.14.4
chardet                  3.0.4
click                    7.1.2
cryptography             3.2.1
decorator                4.4.2
defusedxml               0.6.0
Flask                    1.1.2
Flask-Compress           1.8.0
Flask-Cors               3.0.9
google-api-core          1.24.0
google-auth              1.24.0
google-cloud-pubsub      2.2.0
googleapis-common-protos 1.52.0
grpc-google-iam-v1       0.12.3
grpcio                   1.34.0
httplib2                 0.18.1
idna                     2.10
importlib-metadata       3.3.0
influxdb                 5.3.1
itsdangerous             1.1.0
Jinja2                   2.11.2
kombu                    5.0.2
libcst                   0.3.15
lxml                     4.6.2
MarkupSafe               1.1.1
matterhook               0.2
mohawk                   1.1.0
msgpack                  1.0.1
multidict                5.1.0
mypy-extensions          0.4.3
oauth2client             4.1.3
op5lib                   1.0
pbr                      5.5.1
pip                      20.1.1
proto-plus               1.13.0
protobuf                 3.14.0
psycopg2                 2.8.6
pyasn1                   0.4.8
pyasn1-modules           0.2.8
pycparser                2.20
PyJWT                    1.7.1
pymongo                  3.11.2
pymsteams                0.1.14
pyOpenSSL                20.0.1
pyparsing                2.4.7
pysaml2                  6.3.1
python-cachetclient      0.2.5
python-dateutil          2.8.1
python-ldap              3.3.1
pytz                     2020.4
PyYAML                   5.3.1
pyzabbix                 0.8.2
redis                    3.5.3
requests                 2.25.0
requests-hawk            1.0.1
rsa                      4.6
sentry-sdk               0.19.4
setuptools               51.0.0
six                      1.15.0
tabulate                 0.8.7
telepot                  12.7
termcolor                1.1.0
twilio                   6.50.0
typing-inspect           0.6.0
urllib3                  1.26.2
vine                     5.0.0
Werkzeug                 1.0.1
yarl                     1.6.3
zipp                     3.4.0

Alerta init process complete; ready for start up.

Log files from sudo docker logs -f alerta that seem to relate to the syslog test that I am running with: logger -i -s -P 514 -n -p 1 -t TEST "mail server is down"


2020-12-23 13:26:06,828 DEBG 'nginx' stdout output:
ip=\- [\23/Dec/2020:13:26:06 +0000] "\GET /api/alerts/count?group=Misc&status=open HTTP/1.1" \200 \108 "\" "\Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:84.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/84.0"
/web | /api/alerts/count | > GET /api/alerts/count?group=Misc&status=open HTTP/1.1

2020-12-23 13:26:06,830 DEBG 'uwsgi' stdout output:
[2020-12-23 13:26:06,830] DEBUG in base: ****************************************

            SELECT status, COUNT(*) FROM alerts
            WHERE 1=1
AND "group"='Misc'
            GROUP BY status
         LIMIT 50 OFFSET 0

2020-12-23 13:26:06,831 DEBG 'uwsgi' stdout output:
[2020-12-23 13:26:06,831] DEBUG in base: ****************************************

            INSERT INTO metrics ("group", name, title, description, count, total_time, type)
            VALUES ('alerts', 'counts', 'Count alerts', 'Total time and number of count queries', 1, 10, 'timer')
            ON CONFLICT ("group", name, type) DO UPDATE
                SET count=metrics.count + 1, total_time=metrics.total_time + 10
            RETURNING *


2020-12-23 13:26:06,833 DEBG 'uwsgi' stdout output:
[2020-12-23 13:26:06,833] INFO in logging: "GET /alerts/count HTTP/1.1" 200 108

2020-12-23 13:26:06,834 DEBG 'nginx' stdout output:
ip=\- [\23/Dec/2020:13:26:06 +0000] "\GET /api/alerts/count?group=Misc HTTP/1.1" \200 \108 "\" "\Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:84.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/84.0"
/web | /api/alerts/count | > GET /api/alerts/count?group=Misc HTTP/1.1

2020-12-23 13:26:06,835 DEBG 'uwsgi' stdout output:
[pid: 39|app: 0|req: 17/106] () {46 vars in 1292 bytes} [Wed Dec 23 13:26:06 2020] GET /api/alerts/count?group=Misc => generated 108 bytes in 14 msecs (HTTP/1.1 200) 5 headers in 185 bytes (1 switches on core 0)
satterly commented 3 years ago

There's nothing in the log that tells me that the Alerta API is receiving anything from alerta-syslog. And at no point do you actually start alerta-syslog. It's not a plugin or webhook so won't be auto-discovered and loaded by the API at startup. You need to explicitly start the syslog receiver. Probably by adding an entry to supervisord.conf would be easiest for you.

satterly commented 3 years ago

Closing due to inactivity. If you believe this issue has been closed prematurely please provide more information to help progress the issue. If you do not know what is expected you can ask on Slack.