alerum68 / RootMatchIt

Let your DNA build a Family Tree for you!
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Using FamilySearch to match people in different RootsMagic trees #7

Closed rseiter closed 1 month ago

rseiter commented 1 month ago

You may have already though of this, but the FamilySearch link might be helpful for matching people in different RM/Ancestry trees. If you look in the FamilySearchTable it has a mapping between rmID and fsID. A sample flow would be to run the FamilySearch automatch on one of your generated trees (I don't know how it would do with duplicates). Then use those fsIDs to connect to the corresponding people in another RM tree. Using FamilySearch like that would allow it do do the hard work of matching two descriptions of the same person.

alerum68 commented 1 month ago

Outside the script of this project I'm afraid. Also, I've attempted to work with FSID and they are too transient for this kind of project. When merges happen on FS, it's a 50/50 shot of losing your FSID.