This commit introduces PythonPing as a command-line tool (CLI) for network troubleshooting. The 'ping' functionality allows users to perform ICMP echo requests to a specified target IP address or hostname, displaying detailed response information and round-trip time (RTT) statistics.
Changes Made:
Added '' implementing the CLI tool with argparse for argument parsing and pythonping for ICMP ping operations.
Defined perform_ping() to execute pings and display responses.
Implemented ping_command_line() for parsing arguments and executing ping operations based on user inputs.
Displayed ping results, including successful replies and timed-out requests.
Calculated and exhibited RTT statistics (min/avg/max) for successful ping responses.
Users can execute the tool using 'python3 -m ping [target] [--count]'.
'Target' represents the IP address or hostname to ping; '--count' specifies the number of pings (default: 4).
Thoroughly tested the tool to ensure consistent functionality across various network scenarios.
Associated Issue:
Resolves #: A discussion was held in the linked issue before implementing this feature.
Note: This commit adheres to the project's guidelines, including the code of conduct, and is ready for review and integration into the 'dev' branch.
This commit introduces PythonPing as a command-line tool (CLI) for network troubleshooting. The 'ping' functionality allows users to perform ICMP echo requests to a specified target IP address or hostname, displaying detailed response information and round-trip time (RTT) statistics.
Changes Made:
Associated Issue:
Note: This commit adheres to the project's guidelines, including the code of conduct, and is ready for review and integration into the 'dev' branch.
Contributor: Abhishek Jha