alessioalex / dynroute

Node CLI tool for dynamic DNS using Route53
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Use private IP instead of public IP? #11

Open z-br opened 9 years ago

z-br commented 9 years ago

Any thoughts on how to get this to work with the private (in-VPC, or in EC2) IP rather than the web public IP?

alessioalex commented 9 years ago

I think you should use the official aws sdk for this, I haven't updated this module in a long time.

The docs for the official sdk are here:

The method for changing records is this one: changeResourceRecordSets

The code for changing the record in dynroute can be found here (as an inspiration):

I haven't played with VPC myself, so I'm not sure what to tell you, but I found these 2 articles that may be of help:

Let me know how this works out!