alessioferrari / tram

a framework for transforming and reusing requirements models
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TRAM GUI: object change #19

Open alessioferrari opened 10 years ago

alessioferrari commented 10 years ago

We have to implement the object transformation from the view. To this end, we have to define a wizard. When the user presses "transform" after selecting a result, a wizard pops up and tells: the old object is XXX. Which is the new object? The user can select the new object and then selects "Apply". After selecting apply the model is transformed. Then, the model can be saved to another location.

alessioferrari commented 10 years ago

Currently we are able to pup up a window that askes the old and new object: we have to

  1. understand that an object transformation is required
  2. send the old object to the window
  3. retrieve the new object and perform the change
  4. be able to save the model
alessioferrari commented 10 years ago

The previous requirements have been implemented. Currently, only one object can be changed.