aletson / TrinityCore

TrinityCore Open Source MMO Framework
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Gossip from core scripts to SAI/DB Completed List #3

Closed ghost closed 5 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

This issue is based on Gossip migration from core scripts to SAI/DB ToDo List #2 and contains a list of the completed migration of hardcoded text from core scripts to DB/SAI. These lines should already be removed (if Aokromes has updated the list) from Aokromes' pastebin list of script files/code lines to update:

Assignee File String NPC/GO broadcast_text Wrong Text In CPP
@henhouse** EasternKingdoms/Deadmines/instance_deadmines.cpp Completed in PR #16132 #define SAY_MR_SMITE_ALARM1 "You there, check out that noise!" NPC 646 1148 yes (minor details)
@henhouse** EasternKingdoms/Deadmines/instance_deadmines.cpp Completed in PR #16132 #define SAY_MR_SMITE_ALARM2 "We're under attack! A vast, ye swabs! Repel the invaders!" NPC 646 1149 yes (minor details)
tkrokli ScarletMonastery/boss_headless_horseman.cpp define removed in PR #16692 #define EMOTE_LAUGHS "Headless Horseman laughs" NPC 23682 not in table? Yes
tkrokli ScarletEnclave/chapter1.cpp Completed in PR #16240 #define GOSSIP_ACCEPT_DUEL "I challenge you, death knight!" NPC 28406 29255 No
tkrokli ShadowfangKeep/shadowfang_keep.cpp Completed in PR #16239 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_DOOR "Thanks, I'll follow you to the door." Deathstalker Adamant 2802 Yes
tkrokli zone_western_plaguelands.cpp Completed in PR #16276 #define GOSSIP_HDA1 "What does the Felstone Field Cauldron need?" NPC 11056 and 11057 6516 Yes
tkrokli zone_western_plaguelands.cpp Completed in PR #16276 #define GOSSIP_HDA2 "What does the Dalson's Tears Cauldron need?" NPC 11056 and 11057 6517 Yes
tkrokli zone_western_plaguelands.cpp Completed in PR #16276 #define GOSSIP_HDA3 "What does the Writhing Haunt Cauldron need?" NPC 11056 and 11057 6518 Yes
tkrokli zone_western_plaguelands.cpp Completed in PR #16276 #define GOSSIP_HDA4 "What does the Gahrron's Withering Cauldron need?" NPC 11056 and 11057 6519 Yes
tkrokli zone_western_plaguelands.cpp Completed in PR #16276 #define GOSSIP_SDA1 "Thanks, i need a Vitreous Focuser" NPC 11056 and 11057 6531 Yes
@sirikfoll zone_western_plaguelands.cpp Moved to SAI in PR #16438 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_ILLUSION "I am ready for the illusion, Myranda." NPC 11872 7306 No
tkrokli EasternKingdoms/zone_loch_modan.cpp Completed in PR #16715 #define GOSSIP_MP "Open the gate please, i need to get to Searing Gorge" NPC 3836 Unknown Yes
tkrokli EasternKingdoms/zone_loch_modan.cpp Completed in PR #16715 #define GOSSIP_MP1 "But i need to get there, now open the gate!" NPC 3836 4266 Yes
tkrokli EasternKingdoms/zone_loch_modan.cpp Completed in PR #16715 #define GOSSIP_MP2 "Ok, so what is this other way?" NPC 3836 4268 Yes
tkrokli EasternKingdoms/zone_loch_modan.cpp Completed in PR #16715 #define GOSSIP_MP3 "Doesn't matter, i'm invulnerable." NPC 3836 4270 Yes
tkrokli EasternKingdoms/zone_loch_modan.cpp Completed in PR #16715 #define GOSSIP_MP4 "Yes..." NPC 3836 4272 Yes
tkrokli EasternKingdoms/zone_loch_modan.cpp Completed in PR #16715 #define GOSSIP_MP5 "Ok, i'll try to remember that." NPC 3836 4274 Yes
tkrokli EasternKingdoms/zone_loch_modan.cpp Completed in PR #16715 #define GOSSIP_MP6 "A key? Ok!" NPC 3836 4276 Yes
tkrokli BlackrockMountain/BlackrockDepths/blackrock_depths.cpp PR #16699 /patch 3.0.2 #define GOSSIP_DUGHAL "You're free, Dughal! Get out of here!" NPC 9022, no script assigned, more texts in this too ``
tkrokli BlackrockMountain/MoltenCore/boss_majordomo_executus.cpp OK - PR #16726 #define GOSSIP_HELLO 4995 NPC 12018 npc_text 4995, broadcast_text 7645
tkrokli BlackrockMountain/MoltenCore/boss_majordomo_executus.cpp OK - PR #16726 #define GOSSIP_SELECT "Tell me more." NPC 12018 7646
tkrokli zone_stormwind_city.cpp Removed in PR #16699 (patch 3.0.2) #define GOSSIP_ITEM_MALIN "Can you send me to Theramore? I have an urgent message for Lady Jaina from Highlord Bolvar." NPC 2708 22524 Maybe (sniff from MoP, was text changed before 3.3.5a?)
tkrokli zone_stormwind_city.cpp Removed in PR #16699 (patch 3.0.2) #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KAT_1 "Pardon the intrusion, Lady Prestor, but Highlord Bolvar suggested that I seek your advice." NPC 1749 4991 No
tkrokli zone_stormwind_city.cpp Removed in PR #16699 (patch 3.0.2) #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KAT_2 "My apologies, Lady Prestor." NPC 1749 4993 No
tkrokli zone_stormwind_city.cpp Removed in PR #16699 (patch 3.0.2) #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KAT_3 "Begging your pardon, Lady Prestor. That was not my intent." NPC 1749 4995 No
tkrokli zone_stormwind_city.cpp Removed in PR #16699 (patch 3.0.2) #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KAT_4 "Thank you for your time, Lady Prestor." NPC 1749 4997 No
tkrokli Karazhan/bosses_opera.cpp Completed and improved in PR #17316 #define GOSSIP_GRANDMA "What phat lewtz you have grandmother?" NPC 17603 14221 Yes, also more dialog? see 14217,14219
tkrokli EasternKingdoms/Uldaman/uldaman.cpp Completed in PR #16451 #define QUEST_HIDDEN_CHAMBER 2240
tkrokli WailingCaverns/wailing_caverns.cpp Completed in PR #16437 #define GOSSIP_ID_START_1 698 //Naralex sleeps again! NPC 3678 2660
tkrokli WailingCaverns/wailing_caverns.cpp Completed in PR #16437 #define GOSSIP_ID_START_2 699 //The fanglords are dead! NPC 3678 2661
tkrokli WailingCaverns/wailing_caverns.cpp Completed in PR #16437 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_NARALEX "Let the event begin!" NPC 3678 2662 No
tkrokli zone_eastern_plaguelands.cpp Converted to SAI in PR #16680 #define GOSSIP_HELLO "I am ready to hear your tale, Tirion." NPC 1855 7219 No
tkrokli zone_eastern_plaguelands.cpp Converted to SAI in PR #16680 #define GOSSIP_SELECT1 "Thank you, Tirion. What of your identity?" NPC 1855 7221 No
tkrokli zone_eastern_plaguelands.cpp Converted to SAI in PR #16680 #define GOSSIP_SELECT2 "That is terrible." NPC 1855 7223 No
tkrokli zone_eastern_plaguelands.cpp Converted to SAI in PR #16680 #define GOSSIP_SELECT3 "I will, Tirion." NPC 1855 7225 No
tkrokli zone_undercity.cpp Converted and moved to SAI in PR #16384 #define GOSSIP_HPF1 "Gul'dan" NPC 4488 8378 Yes
tkrokli zone_undercity.cpp Converted and moved to SAI in PR #16384 #define GOSSIP_HPF2 "Kel'Thuzad" NPC 4488 8377 Yes
tkrokli zone_undercity.cpp Converted and moved to SAI in PR #16384 #define GOSSIP_HPF3 "Ner'zhul" NPC 4488 8380 Yes, also 8379??
tkrokli zone_burning_steppes.cpp Removed in PR #16699 (removed in patch 3.0.2) #define GOSSIP_HELLO "Official buisness, John. I need some information about Marsha Windsor. Tell me about the last time you saw him." NPC 9563 5007 Yes
tkrokli zone_burning_steppes.cpp Removed in PR #16699 (removed in patch 3.0.2) #define GOSSIP_SELECT1 "So what did you do?" NPC 9563 5010 No
tkrokli zone_burning_steppes.cpp Removed in PR #16699 (removed in patch 3.0.2) #define GOSSIP_SELECT2 "Start making sense, dwarf. I don't want to have anything to do with your cracker, your pappy, or any sort of 'discreditin'." NPC 9563 5013 No
tkrokli zone_burning_steppes.cpp Removed in PR #16699 (removed in patch 3.0.2) #define GOSSIP_SELECT3 "Ironfoe?" NPC 9563 5015 No
tkrokli zone_burning_steppes.cpp Removed in PR #16699 (removed in patch 3.0.2) #define GOSSIP_SELECT4 "Interesting... continue John." NPC 9563 5017 Yes
tkrokli zone_burning_steppes.cpp Removed in PR #16699 (removed in patch 3.0.2) #define GOSSIP_SELECT5 "So that's how Windsor died..." NPC 9563 5019 No
tkrokli zone_burning_steppes.cpp Removed in PR #16699 (removed in patch 3.0.2) #define GOSSIP_SELECT6 "So how did he die?" NPC 9563 5021 No
tkrokli zone_burning_steppes.cpp Removed in PR #16699 (removed in patch 3.0.2) #define GOSSIP_SELECT7 "Ok so where the hell is he? Wait a minute! Are you drunk?" NPC 9563 5024 Yes
tkrokli zone_burning_steppes.cpp Removed in PR #16699 (removed in patch 3.0.2) #define GOSSIP_SELECT8 "WHY is he in Blackrock Depths?" NPC 9563 5027 No
tkrokli zone_burning_steppes.cpp Removed in PR #16699 (removed in patch 3.0.2) #define GOSSIP_SELECT9 "300? So the Dark Irons killed him and dragged him into the Depths?" NPC 9563 5030 No
tkrokli zone_burning_steppes.cpp Removed in PR #16699 (removed in patch 3.0.2) #define GOSSIP_SELECT10 "Ahh... Ironfoe" NPC 9563 5034 Yes
tkrokli zone_burning_steppes.cpp Removed in PR #16699 (removed in patch 3.0.2) #define GOSSIP_SELECT11 "Thanks, Ragged John. Your story was very uplifting and informative" NPC 9563 5038 Yes
@dr-j Kalimdor/zone_dustwallow_marsh.cpp Moved to SAI in commit 2b04a9c9d81fd #define GOSSIP_ITEM_JAINA "I know this is rather silly but i have a young ward who is a bit shy and would like your autograph." NPC 4968 9663 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_feralas.cpp Completed in PR #17157 (+ correct gossip) #define GOSSIP_HELLO "Buy somethin', will ya?" NPC 7775 4720 No
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_moonglade.cpp Moved to DB/SAI #17134 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_THUNDER "I'd like to fly to Thunder Bluff." NPC 11798 12804 No
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_moonglade.cpp Moved to DB/SAI #17134 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_AQ_END "Do you know where I can find Half Pendant of Aquatic Endurance?" NPC 11798 8036 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_moonglade.cpp Moved to DB/SAI #17134 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_RUTHERAN "I'd like to fly to Rut'theran Village." NPC 11800 7573 No
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_moonglade.cpp Moved to DB/SAI #17134 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_AQ_AGI "Do you know where I can find Half Pendant of Aquatic Agility?" NPC 11800 8035 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_orgrimmar.cpp Gossip moved to DB in PR #16720 #define GOSSIP_HTW "Please share your wisdom with me, Warchief." NPC 4949 8308 No
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_orgrimmar.cpp Gossip moved to DB in PR #16720 #define GOSSIP_STW1 "What discoveries?" NPC 4949 8310 No
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_orgrimmar.cpp Gossip moved to DB in PR #16720 #define GOSSIP_STW2 "Usurper?" NPC 4949 8312 No
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_orgrimmar.cpp Gossip moved to DB in PR #16720 #define GOSSIP_STW3 "With all due respect, Warchief - why not allow them to be destroyed? Does this not strengthen our position?" NPC 4949 8314 No
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_orgrimmar.cpp Gossip moved to DB in PR #16720 #define GOSSIP_STW4 "I... I did not think of it that way, Warchief." NPC 4949 8316 No
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_orgrimmar.cpp Gossip moved to DB in PR #16720 #define GOSSIP_STW5 "I live only to serve, Warchief! My life is empty and meaningless without your guidance." NPC 4949 8318 No
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_orgrimmar.cpp Gossip moved to DB in PR #16720 #define GOSSIP_STW6 "Of course, Warchief!" NPC 4949 8320 No
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_the_barrens.cpp Completed in PR #16907 (+ correct gossip) #define GOSSIP_CORPSE "Examine corpse in detail..." NPC 10668 5964 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_thousand_needles.cpp Moved to SAI in PR #17071 #define GOSSIP_P "Please tell me the Phrase.." NPC 6626 2707 Probably, I think I got the id right
joschiwald Northrend/IcecrownCitadel/icecrown_citadel_teleport.cpp Converted to static std::vector<uint32> const TeleportSpells in commit ea38a7d95bb7d67005c7de1a924d288561b0da13 #define GOSSIP_SENDER_ICC_PORT 631 GO 202242, 202243, 202244, 202245, 202223, 202235, 202246 ???? lock IDs from db?
tkrokli Outland/zone_shattrath_city.cpp Completed in PR #16684 #define GOSSIP_RALIQ "You owe Sim'salabim money. Hand them over or die!" NPC 18585 ???? Unknown
tkrokli Outland/zone_shattrath_city.cpp Completed in PR #16684 #define GOSSIP_HZ "Take me to the Caverns of Time." NPC 25967 25111 No
tkrokli Outland/zone_terokkar_forest.cpp Completed in PR #16671 #define GOSSIP_FLOON1 "You owe Sim'salabim money. Hand them over or die!" NPC 18588 ???? Unknown
tkrokli Outland/zone_terokkar_forest.cpp Completed in PR #16671 #define GOSSIP_FLOON2 "Hand over the money or die...again!" NPC 18588 ???? Unknown
tkrokli Outland/zone_terokkar_forest.cpp Completed in PR #16671 #define GOSSIP_S_DARKSCREECHER_AKKARAI "Summon Darkscreecher Akkarai" GO 185913 21289 Yes
tkrokli Outland/zone_terokkar_forest.cpp Completed in PR #16671 #define GOSSIP_S_KARROG "Summon Karrog" GO 185913 21288 Yes
tkrokli Outland/zone_terokkar_forest.cpp Completed in PR #16671 #define GOSSIP_S_GEZZARAK_THE_HUNTRESS "Summon Gezzarak the Huntress" GO 185913 21282 Yes
tkrokli Outland/zone_terokkar_forest.cpp Completed in PR #16671 #define GOSSIP_S_VAKKIZ_THE_WINDRAGER "Summon Vakkiz the Windrager" GO 185913 21287 Yes
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17101 #define GOSSIP_HELLO_SAYGE "Yes" NPC 14822 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17101 #define GOSSIP_SENDACTION_SAYGE1 "Slay the Man" NPC 14822 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17101 #define GOSSIP_SENDACTION_SAYGE2 "Turn him over to liege" NPC 14822 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17101 #define GOSSIP_SENDACTION_SAYGE3 "Confiscate the corn" NPC 14822 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17101 #define GOSSIP_SENDACTION_SAYGE4 "Let him go and have the corn" NPC 14822 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17101 #define GOSSIP_SENDACTION_SAYGE5 "Execute your friend painfully" NPC 14822 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17101 #define GOSSIP_SENDACTION_SAYGE6 "Execute your friend painlessly" NPC 14822 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17101 #define GOSSIP_SENDACTION_SAYGE7 "Let your friend go" NPC 14822 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17101 #define GOSSIP_SENDACTION_SAYGE8 "Confront the diplomat" NPC 14822 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17101 #define GOSSIP_SENDACTION_SAYGE9 "Show not so quiet defiance" NPC 14822 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17101 #define GOSSIP_SENDACTION_SAYGE10 "Remain quiet" NPC 14822 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17101 #define GOSSIP_SENDACTION_SAYGE11 "Speak against your brother openly" NPC 14822 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17101 #define GOSSIP_SENDACTION_SAYGE12 "Help your brother in" NPC 14822 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17101 #define GOSSIP_SENDACTION_SAYGE13 "Keep your brother out without letting him know" NPC 14822 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17101 #define GOSSIP_SENDACTION_SAYGE14 "Take credit, keep gold" NPC 14822 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17101 #define GOSSIP_SENDACTION_SAYGE15 "Take credit, share the gold" NPC 14822 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17101 #define GOSSIP_SENDACTION_SAYGE16 "Let the knight take credit" NPC 14822 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17101 #define GOSSIP_SENDACTION_SAYGE17 "Thanks" NPC 14822 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17099 #define GOSSIP_LOST_ARCATRAZ_KEY "I've lost my key to the Arcatraz." NPC 29665, 29725, 29728 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17099 #define GOSSIP_LOST_SHADOWFORGE_KEY "I've lost my key to the Blackrock Depths." NPC 29665, 29725, 29728 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17099 #define GOSSIP_LOST_SKELETON_KEY "I've lost my key to the Scholomance." NPC 29665, 29725, 29728 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17099 #define GOSSIP_LOST_SHATTERED_HALLS_KEY "I've lost my key to the Shattered Halls." NPC 29665, 29725, 29728 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17099 #define GOSSIP_LOST_THE_MASTERS_KEY "I've lost my key to the Karazhan." NPC 29665, 29725, 29728 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17099 #define GOSSIP_LOST_VIOLET_HOLD_KEY "I've lost my key to the Violet Hold." NPC 29665, 29725, 29728 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17099 #define GOSSIP_LOST_ESSENCE_INFUSED_MOONSTONE "I've lost my Essence-Infused Moonstone." NPC 29665, 29725, 29728 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17099 #define GOSSIP_LOST_KEY_TO_THE_FOCUSING_IRIS "I've lost my Key to the Focusing Iris." NPC 29665, 29725, 29728 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp Completed/corrected in PR #17099 #define GOSSIP_LOST_HC_KEY_TO_THE_FOCUSING_IRIS "I've lost my Heroic Key to the Focusing Iris." NPC 29665, 29725, 29728 ``
velinath Outland/zone_netherstorm.cpp PR #17367 #define GOSSIP_ITEM "I need a new phase distruptor, Professor" NPC 20907 18635 Yes
velinath Outland/zone_shadowmoon_valley.cpp PR #17373 #define GOSSIP_HSK1 "Take Flanis's Pack" NPC 21727 19326 Yes
velinath Outland/zone_shadowmoon_valley.cpp PR #17373 #define GOSSIP_HSK2 "Take Kagrosh's Pack" NPC 21725 19400 Yes
velinath Kalimdor/zone_tanaris.cpp PR #17390 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_FLIGHT "Please take me to the master's lair." NPC 20142 17742 No
velinath Kalimdor/zone_tanaris.cpp PR #17390 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_NORGANNON_1 "What function do you serve?" NPC 7918 4054 No
velinath Kalimdor/zone_tanaris.cpp PR #17390 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_NORGANNON_2 "What are the Plates of Uldum?" NPC 7918 4056 No
velinath Kalimdor/zone_tanaris.cpp PR #17390 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_NORGANNON_3 "Where are the Plates of Uldum?" NPC 7918 4057 No
velinath Kalimdor/zone_tanaris.cpp PR #17390 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_NORGANNON_4 "Excuse me? We've been \"reschedueled for visitations\"? What does that mean?!" NPC 7918 4058 Yes
velinath Kalimdor/zone_tanaris.cpp PR #17390 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_NORGANNON_5 "So, what's inside Uldum?" NPC 7918 4059 Yes
velinath Kalimdor/zone_tanaris.cpp PR #17390 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_NORGANNON_6 "I will return when i have the Plates of Uldum." NPC 7918 4060 No
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_ITEM1 "I seek information about Natalia" NPC 15170, 15171 10712 Yes, 10727 is for Frankal, 10712 is for Rutgar
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_ITEM2 "That sounds dangerous!" NPC 15170, 15171 10714 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_ITEM3 "What did you do?" NPC 15170, 15171 10716 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_ITEM4 "Who?" NPC 15170, 15171 10718 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_ITEM5 "Women do that. What did she demand?" NPC 15170, 15171 10720 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_ITEM6 "What do you mean?" NPC 15170, 15171 10722 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_ITEM7 "What happened next?" NPC 15170, 15171 10724 Yes, 10726 is the last reply to Rutgar.
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_ITEM11 "Yes, please continue" NPC 15170, 15171 10729 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_ITEM12 "What language?" NPC 15170, 15171 10731 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_ITEM13 "The Priestess attacked you?!" NPC 15170, 15171 10733 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_ITEM14 "I should ask the monkey about this" NPC 15170, 15171 10735 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_ITEM15 "Then what..." NPC 15170, 15171 10737 Yes, also 10739/10741 are missing
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_TEMPLAR_RANDOM "I am no cultist, you monster! Come to me and face your destruction!" GO 180529, 180534, 180456, 180461, 180466, 180518, 180539, 180544, 180549, 180554, 180559, 180564 10684 No
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_TEMPLAR_FIRE "Crimson Templar! I hold your signet! Heed my call!" GO 180529, 180534, 180456, 180461, 180466, 180518, 180539, 180544, 180549, 180554, 180559, 180564 10685 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_TEMPLAR_EARTH "Earthen Templar! I hold your signet! Heed my call!" GO 180529, 180534, 180456, 180461, 180466, 180518, 180539, 180544, 180549, 180554, 180559, 180564 10691 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_TEMPLAR_AIR "Hoary Templar! I hold your signet! Heed my call!" GO 180529, 180534, 180456, 180461, 180466, 180518, 180539, 180544, 180549, 180554, 180559, 180564 10690 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_TEMPLAR_WATER "Azure Templar! I hold your signet! Heed my call!" GO 180529, 180534, 180456, 180461, 180466, 180518, 180539, 180544, 180549, 180554, 180559, 180564 10692 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_DUKE_RANDOM "You will listen to this, vile duke! I am not your Twilight's Hammer lapdog! I am here to challenge you! Come! Come, and meet your death..." GO 180529, 180534, 180456, 180461, 180466, 180518, 180539, 180544, 180549, 180554, 180559, 180564 10698 No
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_DUKE_FIRE "Duke of Cynders! I hold your signet! Heed my call!" GO 180529, 180534, 180456, 180461, 180466, 180518, 180539, 180544, 180549, 180554, 180559, 180564 10699 No
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_DUKE_EARTH "The Duke of Shards! I hold your signet! Heed my call!" GO 180529, 180534, 180456, 180461, 180466, 180518, 180539, 180544, 180549, 180554, 180559, 180564 10701 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_DUKE_AIR "The Duke of Zephyrs! I hold your signet! Heed my call!" GO 180529, 180534, 180456, 180461, 180466, 180518, 180539, 180544, 180549, 180554, 180559, 180564 10700 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_DUKE_WATER "The Duke of Fathoms! I hold your signet! Heed my call!" GO 180529, 180534, 180456, 180461, 180466, 180518, 180539, 180544, 180549, 180554, 180559, 180564 10702 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_ROYAL_RANDOM "The day of the judgement has come, fiend! I challenge you to battle!" GO 180529, 180534, 180456, 180461, 180466, 180518, 180539, 180544, 180549, 180554, 180559, 180564 10707 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_ROYAL_FIRE "Prince Skaldrenox! I hold your signet! Heed my call!" GO 180529, 180534, 180456, 180461, 180466, 180518, 180539, 180544, 180549, 180554, 180559, 180564 10708 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_ROYAL_EARTH "Baron Kazum! I hold your signet! Heed my call!" GO 180529, 180534, 180456, 180461, 180466, 180518, 180539, 180544, 180549, 180554, 180559, 180564 10710 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_ROYAL_AIR "High Marshal Whirlaxis! I hold your signet! Heed my call!" GO 180529, 180534, 180456, 180461, 180466, 180518, 180539, 180544, 180549, 180554, 180559, 180564 10709 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_silithus.cpp PR #17165 #define GOSSIP_ROYAL_WATER "Lord Skwol! I hold your signet! Heed my call!" GO 180529,180534,180456,180461,180466,180518, 180539,180544,180549,180554,180559,180564 10711 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_felwood.cpp PR #17690 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_BEACON "Please make me a Cenarion Beacon" NPC 9528, 9529 5243 Yes
tkrokli Outland/BlackTemple/illidari_council.cpp PR #17691 #define ERROR_INST_DATA "SD2 ERROR: Instance Data for Black Temple not set properly; Illidari Council event will not function properly." code no broadcast_text No
tkrokli EasternKingdoms/BlackrockMountain/BlackrockDepths/blackrock_depths.cpp PR #17715 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KHARAN_1 "I need to know where the princess are, Kharan!" NPC 9021 4732 Yes
tkrokli EasternKingdoms/BlackrockMountain/BlackrockDepths/blackrock_depths.cpp PR #17715 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KHARAN_2 "All is not lost, Kharan!" NPC 9021 4734 No
tkrokli EasternKingdoms/BlackrockMountain/BlackrockDepths/blackrock_depths.cpp PR #17715 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KHARAN_3 "Gor'shak is my friend, you can trust me." NPC 9021 4736 Yes
tkrokli EasternKingdoms/BlackrockMountain/BlackrockDepths/blackrock_depths.cpp PR #17715 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KHARAN_4 "Not enough, you need to tell me more." NPC 9021 4738 Yes
tkrokli EasternKingdoms/BlackrockMountain/BlackrockDepths/blackrock_depths.cpp PR #17715 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KHARAN_5 "So what happened?" NPC 9021 4742 No
tkrokli EasternKingdoms/BlackrockMountain/BlackrockDepths/blackrock_depths.cpp PR #17715 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KHARAN_6 "Continue..." NPC 9021 5256 No (A) / Yes (H)
tkrokli EasternKingdoms/BlackrockMountain/BlackrockDepths/blackrock_depths.cpp PR #17715 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KHARAN_7 "So you suspect that someone on the inside was involved? That they were tipped off?" NPC 9021 4744 No
tkrokli EasternKingdoms/BlackrockMountain/BlackrockDepths/blackrock_depths.cpp PR #17715 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KHARAN_8 "Continue with your story please." NPC 9021 4746 No
tkrokli EasternKingdoms/BlackrockMountain/BlackrockDepths/blackrock_depths.cpp PR #17715 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KHARAN_9 "Indeed." NPC 9021 4748 No
tkrokli EasternKingdoms/BlackrockMountain/BlackrockDepths/blackrock_depths.cpp PR #17715 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KHARAN_10 "The door is open, Kharan. You are a free man." NPC 9021 5257 No (A) / Yes (H)
tkrokli EasternKingdoms/zone_silverpine_forest.cpp PR #17731 #define QUEST_PYREWOOD_AMBUSH 452 enum Q_ID enum
tkrokli EasternKingdoms/zone_silverpine_forest.cpp PR #17731 #define NPCSAY_INIT "Get ready, they'll be arriving any minute..." //not blizzlike NPC 2058 542 Yes
tkrokli EasternKingdoms/zone_silverpine_forest.cpp PR #17731 #define NPCSAY_END "Thanks for your help!" //not blizzlike NPC 2058 545 Yes
tkrokli Outland/zone_zangarmarsh.cpp PR #17779 #define GOSSIP_TIMOTHY_DANIELS_ITEM1 "Specialist, eh? Just what kind of specialist are you, anyway?" NPC 18019 14932 No
tkrokli Outland/zone_zangarmarsh.cpp PR #17779 #define GOSSIP_TEXT_BROWSE_POISONS "Let me browse your reagents and poison supplies." NPC 18019 14930 No
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp PR #17746 #define GOSSIP_PET1 "How do I train my pet?" NPC 543,2878,2879,3306, 3545,3620,3622,3624,3688, 3698,4320,10086,10088,10089, 10090,16271,16675,16712,17484,40405 29625 No
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp PR #17746 #define GOSSIP_PET2 "I wish to untrain my pet." NPC 543,2878,2879,3306, 3545,3620,3622,3624,3688, 3698,4320,10086,10088,10089, 10090,16271,16675,16712,17484,40405 10621 No
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp PR #17746 #define GOSSIP_PET_CONFIRM "Yes, please do." NPC 543,2878,2879,3306, 3545,3620,3622,3624,3688, 3698,4320,10086,10088,10089, 10090,16271,16675,16712,17484,40405 10627 No
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_azshara.cpp PR #17794 #define GOSSIP_HELLO_LT1 "Can you help me?" NPC 7783 4245 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_azshara.cpp PR #17794 #define GOSSIP_HELLO_LT2 "Tell me your story" NPC 7783 4257 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_azshara.cpp PR #17794 #define GOSSIP_SELECT_LT1 "Please continue" NPC 7783 4247 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_azshara.cpp PR #17794 #define GOSSIP_SELECT_LT2 "I do not understand" NPC 7783 4249 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_azshara.cpp PR #17794 #define GOSSIP_SELECT_LT3 "Indeed" NPC 7783 4251 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_azshara.cpp PR #17794 #define GOSSIP_SELECT_LT4 "I will do this with or your help, Loramus" NPC 7783 4254 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_azshara.cpp PR #17794 #define GOSSIP_SELECT_LT5 "Yes" NPC 7783 4256 Yes
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp PR #17805 #define GOSSIP_ENGINEERING1 "Borean Tundra" NPC 35646 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp PR #17805 #define GOSSIP_ENGINEERING2 "Howling Fjord" NPC 35646 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp PR #17805 #define GOSSIP_ENGINEERING3 "Sholazar Basin" NPC 35646 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp PR #17805 #define GOSSIP_ENGINEERING4 "Icecrown" NPC 35646 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp PR #17805 #define GOSSIP_ENGINEERING5 "Storm Peaks" NPC 35646 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp PR #17805 #define GOSSIP_ENGINEERING6 "Underground..." NPC 35646 ``
tkrokli Northrend/FrozenHalls/ForgeOfSouls/forge_of_souls.cpp PR #17814 #define GOSSIP_SYLVANAS_ITEM "What would you have of me, Banshee Queen?" NPC 37596 37549 No
tkrokli Northrend/FrozenHalls/ForgeOfSouls/forge_of_souls.cpp PR #17814 #define GOSSIP_JAINA_ITEM "What would you have of me, my lady?" NPC 37597 37551 No
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp PR #17750 #define GOSSIP_TEXT_EXP 14736 NPC 35364, 35365 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp PR #17750 #define GOSSIP_XP_OFF "I no longer wish to gain experience." NPC 35364, 35365 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp PR #17750 #define GOSSIP_XP_ON "I wish to start gaining experience again." NPC 35364, 35365 ``
tkrokli World/npcs_special.cpp PR #17874 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_GRANT "You have thought well, spirit. I ask you to grant me the strength of your [...]" NPC 12144 7405 Yes
tkrokli Outland/CoilfangReservoir/SerpentShrine/boss_lurker_below.cpp PR #17967 #define EMOTE_SPOUT "The Lurker Below takes a deep breath." NPC 21217 20021 20021 = '%s takes a deep breath.'
tkrokli Kalimdor/CavernsOfTime/TheBlackMorass/the_black_morass.cpp PR #17813 #define GOSSIP_ITEM_OBTAIN "[PH] Obtain Chrono-Beacon" NPC 20201 17881(17879 after other player use) Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_stonetalon_mountains.cpp PR #17853 #define GOSSIP_HBD1 "Ysera" NPC 4489 8381 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_stonetalon_mountains.cpp PR #17853 #define GOSSIP_HBD2 "Neltharion" NPC 4489 8383 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_stonetalon_mountains.cpp PR #17853 #define GOSSIP_HBD3 "Nozdormu" NPC 4489 ??? Not in `broadcast_text
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_stonetalon_mountains.cpp PR #17853 #define GOSSIP_HBD4 "Alexstrasza" NPC 4489 8384 Yes
tkrokli Kalimdor/zone_stonetalon_mountains.cpp PR #17853 #define GOSSIP_HBD5 "Malygos" NPC 4489 8385 Yes

@velinath : perhaps we could add the changes done to npc_taxi (Gryphoneers & Wind Rider Masters) to make this list look less one-sided in my favor (you did do some actual work on the taxi paths), I just did not have the actual lines to be changed as part of the pastebin list Aokromes created. Feel free to add your Pull Requests if you like. :-)

aletson commented 8 years ago

eh that was a long time ago :clock1: not super concerned about credit.

aletson commented 5 years ago

gonna uh close this