alevy / postgresql-orm

An Haskell ORM (Object Relational Mapping) and migrations DSL for PostgreSQL.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Does this library support array column types? #34

Closed chrissound closed 1 year ago

chrissound commented 1 year ago

I tried using a table column that is of type text[] NOT NULL, where the haskell type was [String], that does not seem to work as it fails with:

with error: SqlError {sqlState = "22P02", sqlExecStatus = FatalError, sqlErrorMsg = "malformed array literal: \"[\"testing\"]\"", sqlErrorDetail = "\"[\" must introduce explicitly-specified array dimensions.", sqlErrorHint = ""

The generated query seems to be something like:

INSERT INTO "server" ("name", tags") VALUES ('Test', '["testing"]');

Which seems to be JSON syntax instead of postgresql array syntax.

I've also tried a jsonb postgresql type, and a Data.Aeson.Value haskell type but get an error along the lines of:

with error: SqlError {sqlState = "22P02", sqlExecStatus = FatalError, sqlErrorMsg = "malformed array literal: \"[\"hiiiiiiii\"]\"", sqlErrorDetail = "\"[\" must introduce explicitly-specified array dimensions.", sqlErrorHint = ""
alevy commented 1 year ago


The library defers to postgresql-simple for type conversion (and generally for communication with Postgres).

SQL arrays work but, but not with haskell lists, instead with Vectors. See for the exact field types supported.

In your case, your Haskell type should probably be a Vector [String], though I'd generally recommend using the more performant ByteString or Text (so Vector [ByteString] or Vector [Text])

chrissound commented 1 year ago

Great thanks! Couldn't we write an instance for [] automatically though?

instance (ToField a) => ToField ([a]) where, or does this make things a bit wonky when it comes to GHC finding an instance?

I mean looking at the vector instance:

instance (ToField a) => ToField (Vector a) where
    toField = toField . PGArray . V.toList

I think the difference is just removing the V.toList.

I just tried this:

instance ToField a => ToField [a] where
  toField = toField . PGArray

And indeed it seems to hit the annoying overlapping instance issue. Oh well.

alevy commented 1 year ago

That's right. You can implement it in the module that ToField is defined (which is in a different library) or the module that [] is defined (which is somewhere in the bowls of GHC).