alex-courtis / way-displays

way-displays: Auto Manage Your Wayland Displays
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Additional CHANGE_SUCCESS_CMD Functionality #164

Open alex-courtis opened 2 months ago

alex-courtis commented 2 months ago

162 adds CHANGE_SUCCESS_CMD as a success hook. Additional information coould be built on this.

Issue to discuss these @matthewwardrop

Possibilites include:

matthewwardrop commented 2 months ago

Hi @alex-courtis ; apologies for the delay (as usual life expects a lot from me!).

What kind of feedback would you like here? I really like the idea of state-change hooks, but it does seem like a missed opportunity to think more about both additional hooks (like failures) and multiple hooks for the same state change. I suspect we could run multiple commands in the existing implementation by stacking sh-commands... though I cannot remember (and don't have time to look into the code as I type this to check) whether multi-line strings are supported by the config parser [call me lazy, but I don't want to have to create another external script file to act as the hook].

I do also like the idea of a "last" state, but I'm not sure in practice how much value it would add. I don't think I would use it personally. I'm also not sure what I would do with a config reload hook (as distinct from the mode-changes effected by reloading the config), but perhaps there are good examples?

alex-courtis commented 2 months ago

Many thanks for your thoughts!

I suspect we could run multiple commands in the existing implementation by stacking sh-commands... though I cannot remember (and don't have time to look into the code as I type this to check) whether multi-line strings are supported by the config parser [call me lazy, but I don't want to have to create another external script file to act as the hook].

That is achievable. YAML does support multiline. Providing the command is expressed as a single shell executable e.g. notify-send foo ; notify-send bar it should function.

Script files in this sort of context are divisive. The user could use either, however a script could be encouraged as multiple commands could be difficult for the novice shell scripter.

I do also like the idea of a "last" state, but I'm not sure in practice how much value it would add.

Yes, I'm also not quite sure of a use case beyond some script action that depends on the delta.

I'm also not sure what I would do with a config reload hook

Unless this is completely trivial, YAGNI.

alex-courtis commented 2 months ago

Actually, multiline came out nicely:

matthewwardrop commented 2 months ago

Love it!

alex-courtis commented 2 months ago

Work in progress: #168

Human readable change message is written to a file for notify-send to post.


It might be time to remove all but the changed attribute from the "from:".