alex-courtis / wideriver

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Ability to change gaps on the fly #19

Open frostyfalls opened 3 weeks ago

frostyfalls commented 3 weeks ago

Missing behavior

There currently is no ability to change the {inner,outer,} gaps on the fly while running wideriver.

Desired solution

The solution I'm looking for is just to change it via an integer. Either setting it (e.g. 2) or changing it in relation to the current gaps (e.g. +4). I'd also like to be able to toggle gaps all together with the last used one, if possible (if not, I can just set it to 0).


riverctl send-layout-cmd wideriver "--{inner-,outer-,}gaps {2,4+,toggle}"
alex-courtis commented 3 weeks ago

That sounds very useful, we can implement it.

A toggle is possible for all three and desirable so that the user does not have to know current state:


While we are in there, width and colour can receive the same treatment, with toggles for widths.

alex-courtis commented 3 weeks ago

Pull Requests are most gratefully appreciated!