alex-kronish / kodi-plugin.program.launcher

Launch stuff on my personal Kodi setup. Matrix/Python3 compliant!
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add desktop shortcuts from brave/chrome #1

Open spanerzone opened 1 year ago

spanerzone commented 1 year ago

how to add desktop shortcuts created in brave/chrome in linux?

alex-kronish commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure what you mean by this. Everything this runs is a shell command run by python's subprocess module. If you wanted to open, say, in Chrome, you would add it in launchers.json like this:

{"name": "Open GiantBomb in Google Chrome", "command": "/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable","arg": "", "icon": "resources/media/chrome.png"}

You can replace the JSON value for "arg" with whatever website URL you can think of.

I don't use brave but you would do the same thing with wherever the executable for brave is located.

If this isn't what you're asking then I'm sorry.