alex-liu30 / SDP1

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issue5: fix semantic errors (completion of tasks) #4

Open alex-liu30 opened 15 hours ago

alex-liu30 commented 15 hours ago

Improvement I will make: There are semantic errors when editing for the first couple times. I'll fix that.

alex-liu30 commented 15 hours ago

For Semantic errors

  1. Relearn all the Swift Keywords and practice using them (on Codecademy-- a website where you learn how to code). @mrjloswald

I relearned all the swift keywords by going all the way back to the fundamentals section on codecademy, where I relearned all the basics of the swift keywords. I learned the base functions of the keywords and used them to implement my 3 new features (seen above). I now have a better understanding of what exactly these keywords do and actually can apply them to my code.

  1. Think every time before thinking I'm done: "Does this make sense logically? Does the code seem like it would work based off of how it's formatted" (this will definitely work because Swift -- at least for me -- is more logical compared to many other languages) @mrjloswald

I completed this task by asking this question right after coding after making this question up. Since then, I’ve made it a habit and have been able to detect mistakes based off of the structure of my code before even running it. This has allowed me to not only gain a better understanding of my actual code but also allowed me to make sure that I can spot and fix mistakes in my code very easily, which was a difficult task for me before.