alex-mucci / TNC-Demand-Model

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Zone Missing LEHD WAC Data #12

Open alex-mucci opened 3 years ago

alex-mucci commented 3 years ago

The image below shows a census tract that is missing LEHD WAC employment data. I have dug in more and found that all of the census blocks that nest within that census tract are also missing LEHD WAC employment data.

When you look at the base map, there is a couple of schools within the census tracts, so one would think there would be jobs within the census tract.

I believe this is an issue with the data not picking up on jobs in schools well, because the neighboring zones that have schools within them only have a few jobs within the zone.

I am setting the value to zero for now. I could use the surrounding zones to set the employment, but I'm not sure if that is a better thing to do.



alex-mucci commented 3 years ago

All of the census tracts with missing LEHD WAC data are shown below.

17031835700 image

17031360200 image

17031271300 image

alex-mucci commented 3 years ago

There are 57 census blocks that do not have LEHD WAC data that do have ride-hail use data. I looked back at the 2017 and 2016 WAC files to see if there was any data for the 57 blocks and found that only a few had data in those years. I think the best move is to assume that employment is so low in these areas that it is being suppressed, so I will need to set the employment to zero.

The census tract with the schools is likely missing WAC data because of the jobs being misreported to a school district headquarters instead of the school that the person works at. I am not sure what I can do about this limitation of the data other than note it in my research.