alex-pakalniskis / SubgraphSchemaEntitiesDocGenerator

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The Graph Foundation Grant Proposal #1

Open alex-pakalniskis opened 1 year ago

alex-pakalniskis commented 1 year ago
  1. Before we start, can we get your full name?
    1. Alexander Pakalniskis, Tony Kipkemboi, Derek Meyer
  2. Let's understand how you can contribute a bit more
    1. What category does your project fall under
      1. Tooling
    2. What is the name of your project?
      1. Subgraph Documentation Generator
    3. Can we get a link to your project?
    4. Please outline and describe your proposal. Share a short paragraph about your proposal. This is your moment to share your idea!
      1. This project aims to automate the creation of subgraph documentation for all projects built on The Graph. Our initial MVP is a single page application that takes the contents of a schema.graphql file as input and returns Markdown-based subgraph documentation for schema entities and sample queries. The next phase of the project aims to extend graph-cli functionality so that it automatically prepares documentation for any subgraph built with the utility. Documentation is a huge time investment when completed entirely manually. This tool will save time for developers and make their subgraphs easier to query.
    5. Goals & Milestones. Please include the overarching goals, milestones and targeted measurable KPIs. Let us know what your vision of success is and please include as much detail as possible. Include timelines, what stage the project is currently in (eg. pre-development, demo, launched). Examples: Month 1 - Building 4 Subgraphs; Month 2 - Translating 6 documents; etc...
      1. Month 1
        1. Complete prototype single page application back end (Python)
        2. Build out QA testing automation for back end
        3. Investigate how to translate back end functionality from Python to TypeScript
      2. Month 2
        1. Complete single page application front end
        2. Build out QA testing automation for front end
        3. Deploy phase 1 MVP (Python)
      3. Month 3
        1. Begin prototype CLI utility (TypeScript)
        2. Begin prototype QA testing automation
        3. Investigate extending graph-cli utility
      4. Month 4
        1. Complete prototype CLI utility and QA testing automation (TypeScript)
        2. Start integrating functionality into graph-cli
      5. Month 5
        1. Complete integration into graph-cli
      6. Month 6 and beyond
        1. Ongoing maintenance
    6. What sort of impact will your project have on The Graph? What value will your project produce?
      1. Our project will dramatically reduce the amount of time subgraph documentation teams spend on tedious Markdown table formatting and error-prone copy + paste operations. Likewise, subgraph consumers will be delighted that schema entity and sample query documentation is always available (so long as development teams share it publicly).
    7. We would like to learn more about why you're interested in contributing to The Graph. What can you share with us?
      1. We are a group of Graph AdvocatesDAO members who met during Graph Day 2022. Our shared interests in creative problem solving, automation, and improving the protocol are complemented by our uniquely diverse backgrounds. This project was born out of mild frustration from manual documentation and the desire to streamline the process for ourselves and other subgraph developers.
    8. How much funding are you looking for? Please only include funding that would be required to create your project. Although all grants are paid in GRT, please quote your funding in USD.
      1. ???
    9. Have you received funding from somewhere else?
      1. No
alex-pakalniskis commented 1 year ago


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