alex-pakalniskis / gisc606-spring2023
Apache License 2.0
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Jason Haller #4

Open jhaller12 opened 1 year ago

jhaller12 commented 1 year ago

"preferred_name": "Jason",
 "csulb_email": "",
 "pronouns": "he/him/his",
 "previous_gis_experience": "Bachelors in Geography at CSULB 2022."
 "previous_remote_sensing_experience": "Remote sensing course last semester,
 "previous_programming_experience": "GIS Programming course last semester",
 "github_repo_link": "(",
 "github_project_link": "(",
 "what_you_hope_to_get_out_of_this_class": "I hope to learn about remote sensing in greater detail and whatever insights you may have into the topic.",
alex-pakalniskis commented 1 year ago

Hey @jhaller12,

Thanks for sharing about yourself. You have a typo in your JSON for the previous_remote_sensing_experience value, i.e. missing a closing " (it's not an issue in terms of points but figured I'd let you know).

Could you share a bit about the larger MS project you are working on outside of this course?

That info will help me curate the course content a bit better to your interests. I'm hoping to adapt the course to the interests of the students so any info you can share about your project or interests in remote sensing will help me.

Finally, I'd like you to start thinking about your final project for this course. While it's still early in the semester (so I don't really expect anyone to exactly know what they're interested in researching for the project), I was curious if you had an idea already. No worries if not, but let me know either way. I'm encouraging students to pick a topic related to the larger MS project they are completing outside this course, you are free to pick any applied remote sensing topic of interest to you.

Look forward to working with you this semester.

Best, Alex

jhaller12 commented 1 year ago

jhaller12 commented 1 year ago

jhaller12 commented 1 year ago