alex-pirozhenko / sklearn-pmml

A library that allows serialization of SciKit-Learn estimators into PMML
MIT License
70 stars 17 forks source link

Additional classifiers #14

Open DarinJ opened 9 years ago

DarinJ commented 9 years ago

Hey was about to start my own project on this and saw yours. Started working on the random forest to get a feel for the pmml api, though I saw it's been added. Good news is mine looked pretty close the one added.

I looked into regression model and svm and think I can do them but don't want to duplicate work, also don't know if you want PRs.

Nice project!

NeverNude commented 9 years ago

Hey! I've been doing PRs, Alex is pretty responsive. I was going to eventually add the regression version for random forest, but if you are planning on doing it in the next couple of days go for it.