alex-pirozhenko / sklearn-pmml

A library that allows serialization of SciKit-Learn estimators into PMML
MIT License
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JPMML integration tests? #5

Closed NeverNude closed 9 years ago

NeverNude commented 9 years ago

How do you feel about adding JPMML integration tests to this? I was thinking of adding a separate submodule project for a simple class that executes JPMML, writes the results to a file, so we can verify the sklearn predictions against the JPMML evaluator results.

alex-pirozhenko commented 9 years ago

That would be great. I perform these checks manually when I validate PMML serializations for FT, but it's definitely a good idea to automate them. jpmml-evaluator-example already has a class that does exactly what we're looking for. See the example section of their README:

java -cp target/example-1.2-SNAPSHOT.jar org.jpmml.evaluator.EvaluationExample --model model.pmml --input input.tsv --output output.tsv
NeverNude commented 9 years ago

OK. I'm going to use that, but with the 1.0.22 version of jpmml-evaluator, to avoid the AGPL licensing issues if people want to incorporate this into commercial projects. Not sure if we can incorporate AGPL stuff for test purposes explicitly.

NeverNude commented 9 years ago

Merged with the latest set of changes