alex-s-gardner / GEMB

A 1D column that simulates snow/firn/ice processes and surface-atmosphere mass and energy exchanges
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GEMB input variable names and default values #20

Open chadagreene opened 1 month ago

chadagreene commented 1 month ago

In reference to Issue #19, I'd like to consider renaming the variables that input to the GEMB function and setting their default values as described below. What are your thoughts on these potential changes?

Current Name Recommended Name Rec. Default Value Units Description
dateN time datenum Time array corresponding to input precipitation, air_temperature, etc.
P0 precipitation kg m^-2 Precipitation time series.
Ta0 air_temperature K Near-surface (2 m) air temperature time series.
V0 wind_speed m s^-1 Near-surface (10 m) wind speed time series.
dsw0 downward_shortwave_radiation W m^-3 Downward shortwave radiation flux time series.
dlw0 downward_longwave_radiation W m^-2 Downward longwave radiation flux time series.
eAir0 vapor_pressure Pa Screen-level vapor pressure time series. (Is this a req'd input, or can it be calculated by GEMB?)
pAir0 air_pressure Pa Screen-level air pressure time series.
isrestart initial_state [delete] structure Restart flag can be handled by delcaring initial_state = restart_structure.
S.Adiffini diffuse_albedo diffuse_albedo = albedo_sza50 when albedo_method = "gardner_2009", diffuse_albedo = snow_albedo otherwise. fraction Surface albedo for diffuse radiation
S.adThresh albedo_density_threshold Inf kg m^-3 Density threshold below which albedo_method is applied.
S.aIce ice_albedo 0.48 fraction Ice albedo.
S.aIdx albedo_method "gardner_2009" n/a Method of calculating albedo and subsurface absorption.
S.Aini [delete] [delete] fraction Albedo on restart (delete bc snow_albedo value will be overridden by values in restart_structure)
S.aSnow snow_albedo 0.85 fraction New snow albedo.
S.aValue [not necessary] [delete] fraction Recommend setting albedo to snow_albedo value when albedo_method = "constant".
S.C snow_accumulation_mean ? kg m^-2 yr^-1 Mean annual snow accumulation.
S.cciceValue carbon_concentration_ice 0 ppmw Concentration of light-absorbing carbon for ice.
S.ccsnowValue carbon_concentration_snow 0 ppmw Concentration of light-absorbing carbon for snow.
S.cldFrac cloud_fraction 0.1 fraction Cloud amount described as n in Greuell & Konzelmann, 1994
S.cotValue cloud_optical_thickness ? unitless? Cloud optical thickness.
S.denIdx densification_method "arthern_2010" n/a Method of calculating densification of snow/firn.
S.Dini [delete] [delete] kg m^-3 Density (delete bc ice_density will be overridden by values in restart_structure)
S.dsnowIdx snow_density_method "constant" n/a Definition of fresh snow density.
S.dswdiffrf downward_shortwave_radiation_diffuse 0 W m^-2 Downward diffusive shortwave radiation flux
S.dulwrfValue ? 0 W m^-3 Needs a more descriptive variable name. This variable gets renamed deltaULW in thermo.m.
S.Dzini ? ? m The code implies Dzini defines dz, but the S2A1D_000001.mat file contains only values of 0.05 for Dzini, which corresponds to z_top.
S.dzMin dz_min dz_top/2 m Minimum allowable grid spacing.
S.dzTop dz_top 0.05 m Spacing of the upper portion of the model grid.
S.ECini evaporation_condensation 0 kg m^-2 Surface evaporation (negative) or condensation (positive).
S.eIdx emissivity_method "constant" n/a Method of calculating emissivity.
S.Gdnini grain_dendricity 1 unitless Grain dendricity
S.Gspini grain_sphericity 0.5 unitless Grain sphericity
S.isdeltaLWup [delete] false boolean Not necessary as an input, because it can be determined by the value of
S.K constant_K days/K 7 Timescale constant from Table 2 of Bougamont et al., 2005
S.outputDir [not necessary] [delete] n/a Will be included in output_filename
S.outputFreq output_frequency "monthly" n/a
S.Reini grain_radius 2.5 mm Effective radius of snow grains.
S.runID output_filename none n/a Name of output file. Must have either .h5 or .mat extension (e.g., "myfile.h5" or "myfile.mat")
S.Sizeini ? ? ? Needs a more descriptive variable name.
S.spinUp spinup_cycles 0 n/a Number of cycles of met data run before output.
S.swIdx shortwave_penetration true boolean If true, shortwave penetration is calculated based on albedo_method. Otherwise, all shortwave radiation is absorbed by the top grid cell.
S.szaValue solar_zenith 0 degree Solar zenith angle.
S.t0dry albedo_timescale_dry 30 days Timescale for dry snow albedo decay from Table 2 of Bougamont et al., 2005
S.t0wet albedo_timescale_wet 15 days Timescale for wet snow albedo decay from Table 2 of Bougamont et al., 2005
S.tcIdx conductivity_method "sturm_1997" n/a Method of calculating thermal conductivity.
S.teThresh emissivity_radius_threshold 10 mm Grain radius threshold above which emissivity_method is applied.
S.teValue emissivity 0.97 unitless Outward longwave radiation thermal emissivity forcing at every element.
S.ThermoDeltaTScaling thermo_scaling_factor 1/11 unitless Scaling factor to multiply the thermal diffusion timestep (delta t).
S.Tini snow_temperature mean(air_temperature) K Snow temperature
S.Tmean air_temperature_mean mean(air_temperature) K Mean annual surface temperature.
S.Vmean wind_speed_mean 0 m s^-1 Mean annual wind speed.
S.Wini water_content zeros(size(time)) kg m^-2 Water content
S.zMax z_max 250 m Maximum thickness of the total column.
S.zMin z_min ceil(z_max/2 /10)*10 m Minimum model depth.
S.zTop z_top 10 m Thickness of the upper portion of the model grid, in which grid spacing is constant.
S.zY beta 1.025 unitless Grid cell stretching parameter for the lower portion of the model grid, in which grid length increases linearly with depth.
[not a current option] ice_density 910 kg m^-3 Density of ice.
[not a current option] add_cells 1000 integer Currently defined within GEMB as S.addCells: number of addtional vertical levels.
[not a current option] snow_density 350 kg m^-3 Density of snow used if snow_density_method = "constant".
[not a current option] print_status true boolean Print the current status of the calculation to the command window.
alex-s-gardner commented 1 month ago

I believe S.aValue is needed when user supplies an a priori albedo for when S.adThresh is exceeded. @NJSchlegel added this and can confirm

S.cciceValue should be 'black_carbon_concentration_iceorlight_absorbing_carbon_concentration_ice S.ccsnowValueshould be 'black_carbon_concentration_snow or light_absorbing_carbon_concentration_snow

Variables with ? are owned by @NJSchlegel

NJSchlegel commented 1 month ago

dulwrfValue is if the user wants to run sensitivity tests to perturb LW up. I am doing this myself, so it made sense to add an option for it instead of keep hacking inside the code. It didn't make sense for me to remove that functionality once it was built in. Don't we need Dzini to define the mx1 depth of the layers of all the ini variables? Sizeini is the "m" of all the ini variables, which in matlab can just be calculated, but for c++ it is helpful to pass in. Maybe mini is more meaningful? cotValue should be 0.0 I believe, as set it MASTER_RUN.m . S.C is a mean of the accumulation, so does not technically have a default. It should be an input (like S.Tmean and S.Vmean). Also, I think Vmean needs to have a value > 0. In ISSM, the input uses 10 m/s. Also agree with @alex-s-gardner, aValue will need to be set for the case when adThresh is exceeded (not just when the albedo option is constant).