alex / what-happens-when

An attempt to answer the age old interview question "What happens when you type into your browser and press enter?"
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What happens after post-rendering and user-induced execution #588

Open vconcept opened 1 year ago

vconcept commented 1 year ago

After post-rendering and user-induced execution, the following steps occur:

User Interaction: Once the page is fully loaded and rendered, the user can interact with the page through clicking buttons, links, or entering text. These interactions generate events that the browser captures and sends back to the application server.

Application Server Processing: The application server processes the events and performs the necessary actions, such as executing database queries, processing user input, or retrieving new data.

Data Communication: The application server may need to communicate with other systems, such as databases or APIs, to retrieve or store data. This communication is usually done through APIs or other data exchange protocols.

Response Generation: The application server generates a new HTML, CSS, and JavaScript response that updates the state of the page to reflect the user's actions.

Page Update: The updated HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are sent back to the browser and used to update the page dynamically, without the need for a full page refresh.

Continued User Interaction: The process repeats, with the browser capturing user interactions, sending them to the application server, and the application server updating the page dynamically in response.

In summary, post-rendering and user-induced execution refers to the dynamic behavior of a web page in response to user interactions. This process involves communication between the browser, application server, and other systems, as well as the processing of user interactions and the updating of the page dynamically.

nickssilver commented 1 year ago

After the web page has finished rendering and the user interacts with it, several things can happen:

User Interaction: The user can click on links, submit forms, or perform other actions on the page that trigger JavaScript events. These events can cause the browser to update the page dynamically, retrieve additional data from the server, or perform other actions.

Dynamic updates: JavaScript can modify the content of the page, change its layout, or add new elements in response to user interactions or other events.

Network Requests: As the user interacts with the page, the browser may send additional requests to the server for data or resources. This can include requests for new pages, updated data, or new images.

Analytics and Tracking: Many websites use analytics and tracking tools to collect data on how users interact with their site. This information can be used to optimize the user experience and improve the website.

Overall, post-rendering and user-induced execution can lead to a dynamic and interactive user experience, as the page responds to the user's actions and updates itself in real-time.