alex04072000 / SingleHDR

[CVPR 2020] Single-Image HDR Reconstruction by Learning to Reverse the Camera Pipeline
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Could you please provide the Real HDR dataset? #2

Open Hans1984 opened 4 years ago

Hans1984 commented 4 years ago

Nice job, however, the HDR images are still limited. Could you please provide the Real HDR dataset you captured. Thanks a lot.

alex04072000 commented 4 years ago

Hi @Hans1984 , I have uploaded the training/testing dataset and full results in the project website. Please refer to the Download section and let me know if you encounter any problem. Thank you!

Hans1984 commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot.

scholarboss commented 4 years ago

Hi @Hans1984 , I have uploaded the training/testing dataset and full results in the project website. Please refer to the Download section and let me know if you encounter any problem. Thank you!

the project website can't be open. would you please link the dataset to github.

alex04072000 commented 4 years ago

Hi @scholarboss ,

Sorry that the server of our lab is down for about 2 weeks (until about the end of July). For the training/testing dataset, please refer to the following links. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Training data Testing data (HDR-Synth) Testing data (HDR-Real) Testing data (RAISE) Testing data (HDR-Eye)

BrownOfSummer commented 4 years ago

Would you please link the pretrained model to Google Drive?

alex04072000 commented 4 years ago

Hi @BrownOfSummer ,

Here it is. Pre-trained weights I also updated this in the readme file. Thanks.