alexa-pi / AlexaPiDEPRECATED

DEPRECATED - Use instead ...Turn a Raspberry Pi into an Alexa Client
MIT License
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Active listening #141

Open davidmroth opened 7 years ago

davidmroth commented 7 years ago

Implemented active listening using the PocketSphinx lightweight speech recognition engine.

renekliment commented 7 years ago

@davidmroth Hey. We (along with Sam, Mason and others) are working on a new version of this at ... Would you care to join us there and rebase your changes for the new repo?

renekliment commented 7 years ago

Automatic adjusting of the audio input looks awesome by the way!

renekliment commented 7 years ago

@davidmroth This project is now completely deprecated in favor of the new AlexaPi ( Could you implement those new things in this PR compared to the repo (input tuning & delicate PocketSphinx work) for the new repo?