alexa-pi / AlexaPiDEPRECATED

DEPRECATED - Use instead ...Turn a Raspberry Pi into an Alexa Client
MIT License
587 stars 442 forks source link

Nothing #144

Closed scargill closed 7 years ago

scargill commented 7 years ago

I have an up to date pi1 with mpg123 etc.... and latgest node red etc..

I ran the script. told me to reboot. I ran - it says "HELLO" and terminal says connection OK.

I press the button - the red light comes on - then flashes 3 times - no sound comes out of the system.

Am I missing a stage? Not seeing any error messages on the (root) terminal...

illperipherals commented 7 years ago

Can you run it with the "-d" switch and also check your log file? When you run aplay/arecord -L, does everything look in shape? Have you verified with another program that your audio is working (sox is a good tool)?

renekliment commented 7 years ago

This project is now deprecated in favor of the new AlexaPi ( which has all the features of this project and much more, such as:

Please switch over to the new project and if your issue persists there, file an issue in the new repo's issue tracker. Thank you.