alexa-pi / AlexaPiDEPRECATED

DEPRECATED - Use instead ...Turn a Raspberry Pi into an Alexa Client
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Voice control added via CMU Sphinx #84

Closed maso27 closed 8 years ago

maso27 commented 8 years ago

Added installation of CMU Sphinx for voice recognition.

There are two ways of initiating a response: 1.) the same pushbutton as before. Audio will be recorded for as long as the button is pressed, then sent for processing as soon as it is released. 2.) when it hears "alexa", it begins recording for 5 seconds. When time is up, the audio is sent for processing.

sammachin commented 8 years ago

I've finally had some time to look at this project, I've spent the last week refactoring the code to be a lot more modular so that we can support multiple different setups and different ways of triggering eg, button, Spinx, Snowboy etc. I'm going to close this PR but will try and incorporate but where I can then hopefully we can move forward on the new modular codebase.