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error when retrievable turned off #34

Open geroyche opened 6 years ago

geroyche commented 6 years ago

We're having issues with proactive reporting (if we turn off retrievable, and send an proactive report the amazon app indicates that an error occured). So, I guess the first question would be, is the property called "proactivelyReported", as most docs indicate, or "proactivelyReportable", as stated in the v3 migration guide here:

though it's almost a moot point, neither seems to work for us. any hints as to how to debug issues with proactive reporting? the server response is 201, seemingly there is no error. the json we send looks fine.

callaars commented 6 years ago

I think Amazon needs to whitelist your account before it will actually work. Try contacting your Amazon representative to ask to be whitelisted. And yes, I think it's supposed to be proactivelyReported, their documentation is usually a bit behind.

One thing I noticed, is that unless there is a real big error, the server always responds with a 201.

KomoriWu commented 6 years ago

hi,metoo,Have you solved it

simchery commented 6 years ago

The docs should say proactivelyReported. There was a few places where this was incorrect, and I've fixed this and the fix should be live in a few minutes.

geroyche commented 6 years ago

ok, great. that removes the ambiguity from the specs. the feature itself, proactive reporting, seems to be broken however. we found an ongoing discussion here: but so far nobody from Amazon has weighed in.

dmcamens-legrand commented 5 years ago

I am having the same issue as reported here. Does ChangeReport work? @simchery do you have any contacts in Amazon that would know the status?

@geroyche did you get ChangeReport to work?