alexa-samples / skill-sample-nodejs-adventure-game

This tool provides an easy to use front-end that allows developers to instantly deploy code for your story, or use the generated code as a starting point for more complex projects.
Apache License 2.0
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Twine Variables Not Resolving #84

Open LutherJolliff opened 2 years ago

LutherJolliff commented 2 years ago

I am new to Twine but I understand how the Skill blueprint parses through the .html file and strips out HTML tags so Alexa can read text to the user.

I made a custom Twine story and imported the HTML file into Developer Console, but this story contains Twine variables.

Regardless of how I tweak the displayableText variable in index.js Alexa will just read the literal text i.e. "You have $PlayerHealth health remaining."

I would just like to know if anyone else has had success using Twine variables with this skill template or if game logic like this just needs to be done through handlers like other skills.
