alexa / alexa-apis-for-nodejs

The Alexa APIs for NodeJS consists of JS and Typescript definitions that represent the request and response JSON of Alexa services. These models act as core dependency for the Alexa Skills Kit NodeJS SDK (
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Can't create proactive event due to RelevantAudienceType #21

Open willisra opened 2 years ago

willisra commented 2 years ago


when creating a proactive event like this:

const relevantAudience = {
    type: 'Multicast',
    payload: {}
const now = new Date();
const createEvent = {
    timestamp: now.toISOString(),
    referenceId: 'unique-id-of-this-instance',
    expiryTime: new Date(now.getTime() + 10000).toISOString(),
    event: event,
    localizedAttributes: [{
        locale: 'en-US',
        subject: "visit",
        providerName: "Natalia Fantini has arrived and access was granted.",
        brokerName: "Tribu"
const stage = 'DEVELOPMENT';

proactiveClient.createProactiveEvent(createEvent, stage);

I'm getting the following error regarding the relevant audience type.

Argument of type '{ timestamp: string; referenceId: string; expiryTime: string; event: { name: string; payload: { state: { confirmationStatus: string; }; occasion: { occasionType: string; subject: string; provider: { name: string; }; bookingTime: string; broker: { ...; }; }; }; }; localizedAttributes: { ...; }[]; relevantAudience: { ...' is not assignable to parameter of type 'CreateProactiveEventRequest'. The types of ''relevantAudience'['type']' are incompatible between these types. Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'RelevantAudienceType'.ts(2345)

I can't find a way to make this work, I have copied from the example at Is there a chance this is a bug and string should be accepted as they show in the example?


AbhiPwr commented 2 years ago

@willisra , we could not replicate the above issue on our end. As per the posted logs, it seems that you were working on some occasion event. Please post the event which you tried for the above so that we can deduce if it is event-specific.

One more thing we observed is that expiryTime parameter doesn't seem to follow the constraint specified in It should be at least 5 minutes in the future and no more than 24 hours after the current time.