alexa / ask-cli

Alexa Skills Kit Command Line Interface
Apache License 2.0
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Convert developer console template-weatherbot to ask/npx ACDL #504

Open jduncalf opened 4 months ago

jduncalf commented 4 months ago

I'm submitting a...

[ ] Regression (a behavior that used to work and stopped working in a new release)
[x] Bug report  
[ ] Performance issue
[ ] Feature request
[x] Documentation issue or request 
[ ] Other... Please describe: 

Expected Behavior

I've created a developer console based Node.js weatherbot custom Alexa skill. It deploys and tests fine.

I'm currently tasked with investigating conditional dialog branching and understand that I require ACDL. I'm following these instructions to convert my custom skil:

I'd greatly appreciate some guidance with this issue please.


Current Behavior

At the point where I execute (npx acc decompile). The command fails because of a missing ./skills-package/conversations directory. I therefore manually create this directory (Is this expected?).

I then execute (npx acc decompile) again. However, the generated (skill.acdl) file does not contain any of the weatherbot dialog. Additionally when I execute (npx acc compile), I receive the following:

Skill package directory: C:\Development\QWest\Alexa\Conversations\acdl\console\ConditionalPathTest\skill-package skill-package\conversations\skill.acdl(37,4): Type '' is not assignable to ''. skill-package\conversations\skill.acdl(38,4): Type '' is not assignable to ''. skill-package\conversations\skill.acdl(39,4): Type '' is not assignable to ''. skill-package\conversations\skill.acdl(40,4): Type '' is not assignable to ''. skill-package\conversations\skill.acdl(41,4): Type '' is not assignable to ''. FAILURE

Here is the generated skill.acdl file:

namespace skill

import import import import skill.AlexaConversationsBye import skill.AlexaConversationsOutOfDomain import skill.AlexaConversationsProvideHelp import skill.AlexaConversationsRequestMore import skill.AlexaConversationsWelcome

AlexaConversationsWelcome = variations(


AlexaConversationsOutOfDomain = variations(


AlexaConversationsBye = variations(


AlexaConversationsRequestMore = variations(


AlexaConversationsProvideHelp = variations(


mySkill = skill( [

], SkillLevelResponses { welcome = AlexaConversationsWelcome, out_of_domain = AlexaConversationsOutOfDomain, bye = AlexaConversationsBye, reqmore = AlexaConversationsRequestMore, provide_help = AlexaConversationsProvideHelp }, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing )

CLI Snapshot If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

Possible Solution

Your Environment and Context

jduncalf commented 3 months ago

Hi, is there any progress on this issue please? My organisation are very keen for me to research/prototype a solution with ACDL.
