Closed the-smart-home-maker closed 6 years ago
Hi @danicalifornia , This error usually indicates that the productId value under the deviceInfo object in your AlexaClientSDKConfig.json is incorrect. Please double check that it matches the value titled "Product ID" on the "Product information" tab of the page for your device. You can reach this page from the developer console by selecting "Manage" on the row for the device you are trying to authorize.
Hi @visayamv,
thanks a lot!! That was exactly the issue! After having changed the product id, the sample app started.
Now I unfortunately still get some errors saying UNRECOVERABLE AUTHORIZATION ERROR: UNAUTHORIZED_CLIENT
and when trying to ask Alexa something:
Do you have an idea what that means? My Raspberry is actually not disconnected.
Hi @danicalifornia , This error is usually due to the incorrect clientID used.
Please make sure the value of clientId in your AlexaClientSDKConfig.json file is the clientId found under the Other devices and platforms tab on, not the one found under the Web tab. You can see the location here:
After that remove the CBL database file you are using and rerun the SampleApp. The CBL database is specified in the AlexaClientSDKConfig.json under databaseFilePath in CBLAuthDelegate.
Let me know if it works for you
Got it solved - needed to delete the CBLAuth... database file in order to get it refreshed with the right credentials. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
Briefly summarize your issue:
When I open or respectively (no matter which language selected) and after logging into my account type in the code that is provided by the sample app, I receive an error which is not further explained:
What is the expected behavior?
After entering the code, my device gets authorized
What behavior are you observing?
Instead of getting authorized, I receive an error (see screenshot above)
Provide the steps to reproduce the issue, if applicable:
Tell us about your environment:
Raspberry Pi Model 3 B+, Raspbian 9 (Stretch)
What version of the AVS Device SDK are you using?
Tell us what hardware you're using:
Tell us about your OS (Type & version):