alexa / avs-device-sdk

An SDK for commercial device makers to integrate Alexa directly into connected products.
Apache License 2.0
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Can't state change to listening or thinking #1223

Closed kadam1 closed 5 years ago

kadam1 commented 5 years ago

IMPORTANT: Before you create an issue, please take a look at our Issue Reporting Guide.

Briefly summarize your issue:

What is the expected behavior?

What behavior are you observing?

Provide the steps to reproduce the issue, if applicable:

Tell us about your environment:

What version of the AVS Device SDK are you using?


Tell us what hardware you're using:

Tell us about your OS (Type & version):

kadam1 commented 5 years ago

following same guidelines and modify the UIManager.cpp file and adding statements as per advanced pi tutorial which is indicate device state with sound.

womw commented 5 years ago

Hi @kadam1 thanks for the post,

Prior to adding statements did you have trouble changing states?

Can you please link to the advanced pi tutorial with the new statements and also attach a copy of your logs?

kadam1 commented 5 years ago

Thanks. below is the copy of UIManager.cpp file here we make some changes as per below link guidelines.





include "SampleApp/UIManager.h"

include <AVSCommon/SDKInterfaces/DialogUXStateObserverInterface.h>

include <AVSCommon/Utils/Logger/Logger.h>

include <AVSCommon/Utils/SDKVersion.h>

include "SampleApp/ConsolePrinter.h"

include "Settings/SettingStringConversion.h"

/// String to identify log entries originating from this file. static const std::string TAG("UIManager");


namespace alexaClientSDK { namespace sampleApp {

using namespace avsCommon::sdkInterfaces; using namespace settings;

static const std::string VERSION = avsCommon::utils::sdkVersion::getCurrentVersion();

// clang-format off static const std::string ALEXA_WELCOME_MESSAGE = " # # # ##### ##### ###### # # \n" " # # # # # # # # # # # # \n" " # # # # # # # # # # \n" " # # # # ##### ##### # # ### \n" " ####### # # # # # # # # \n" " # # # # # # # # # # # # \n" " # # # ##### ##### ###### # # \n" " \n" " ##### # \n" " # # ## # # ##### # ###### # # ##### ##### \n" " # # # ## ## # # # # # # # # # # \n" " ##### # # # ## # # # # ##### # # # # # # \n" " # ###### # # ##### # # ####### ##### ##### \n" " # # # # # # # # # # # # # \n" " ##### # # # # # ###### ###### # # # # \n\n" " SDK Version " + VERSION + "\n"; // clang-format on static const std::string HELP_MESSAGE = "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" "| Options: |\n"

ifdef KWD

"| Wake word:                                                                 |\n"
"|       Simply say Alexa and begin your query.                               |\n"


"| Tap to talk:                                                               |\n"
"|       Press 't' and Enter followed by your query (no need for the 'Alexa').|\n"
"| Hold to talk:                                                              |\n"
"|       Press 'h' followed by Enter to simulate holding a button.            |\n"
"|       Then say your query (no need for the 'Alexa').                       |\n"
"|       Press 'h' followed by Enter to simulate releasing a button.          |\n"
"| Stop an interaction:                                                       |\n"
"|       Press 's' and Enter to stop an ongoing interaction.                  |\n"

ifdef KWD

"| Privacy mode (microphone off):                                             |\n"
"|       Press 'm' and Enter to turn on and off the microphone.               |\n"
"| Echo Spatial Perception (ESP): This is for testing purpose only!           |\n"
"|       Press 'e' followed by Enter at any time to adjust ESP settings.      |\n"


"| Playback Controls:                                                         |\n"
"|       Press '1' for a 'PLAY' button press.                                 |\n"
"|       Press '2' for a 'PAUSE' button press.                                |\n"
"|       Press '3' for a 'NEXT' button press.                                 |\n"
"|       Press '4' for a 'PREVIOUS' button press.                             |\n"


"| Comms Controls:                                                            |\n"
"|       Press 'd' followed by Enter at any time to accept or stop calls.     |\n"


"| Settings:                                                                  |\n"
"|       Press 'c' followed by Enter at any time to see the settings screen.  |\n"
"| Speaker Control:                                                           |\n"
"|       Press 'p' followed by Enter at any time to adjust speaker settings.  |\n"


"| Phone Control:                                                             |\n"
"|       Press 'a' followed by Enter at any time to control the phone.        |\n"


"| Firmware Version:                                                          |\n"
"|       Press 'f' followed by Enter at any time to report a different        |\n"
"|       firmware version.                                                    |\n"
"| Info:                                                                      |\n"
"|       Press 'i' followed by Enter at any time to see the help screen.      |\n"
"| Reset device:                                                              |\n"
"|       Press 'k' followed by Enter at any time to reset your device. This   |\n"
"|       will erase any data stored in the device and you will have to        |\n"
"|       re-register your device.                                             |\n"
"|       This option will also exit the application.                          |\n"
"| Reauthorize device:                                                        |\n"
"|       Press 'z' followed by Enter at any time to re-authorize your device. |\n"
"|       This will erase any data stored in the device and initiate           |\n"
"|       re-authorization.                                                    |\n"
"| Quit:                                                                      |\n"
"|       Press 'q' followed by Enter at any time to quit the application.     |\n"

static const std::string LIMITED_HELP_HEADER = "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" "| In Limited Mode: |\n" "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";

static const std::string AUTH_FAILED_STR = "| Status : Unrecoverable authorization failure. |\n";

static const std::string REAUTH_REQUIRED_STR = "| Status : Re-authorization required. |\n";

static const std::string CAPABILITIES_API_FAILED_STR = "| Status : Unrecoverable Capabilities API call failure. |\n";

static const std::string LIMITED_HELP_MESSAGE = "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" "| Info: |\n" "| Press 'i' followed by Enter at any time to see the help screen. |\n" "| Stop an interaction: |\n" "| Press 's' and Enter to stop an ongoing interaction. |\n"

ifdef KWD

"| Privacy mode (microphone off):                                             |\n"
"|       Press 'm' and Enter to turn on and off the microphone.               |\n"


"| Speaker Control:                                                           |\n"
"|       Press 'p' followed by Enter at any time to adjust speaker settings.  |\n"
"| Reset device:                                                              |\n"
"|       Press 'k' followed by Enter at any time to reset your device. This   |\n"
"|       will erase any data stored in the device and you will have to        |\n"
"|       re-register your device.                                             |\n"
"|       This option will also exit the application.                          |\n"
"| Reauthorize device:                                                        |\n"
"|       Press 'z' followed by Enter at any time to re-authorize your device. |\n"
"|       This will erase any data stored in the device and initiate           |\n"
"|       re-authorization.                                                    |\n"
"| Quit:                                                                      |\n"
"|       Press 'q' followed by Enter at any time to quit the application.     |\n"

static const std::string SETTINGS_MESSAGE = "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" "| Setting Options: |\n" "| Change Language: |\n" "| Press '1' followed by Enter to see language options. |\n" "| Change Do Not Disturb mode: |\n" "| Press '2' followed by Enter to see Do Not Disturb options. |\n" "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";

static const std::string LOCALE_MESSAGE = "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" "| Language Options: |\n" "| |\n" "| Press '1' followed by Enter to change the language to US English. |\n" "| Press '2' followed by Enter to change the language to UK English. |\n" "| Press '3' followed by Enter to change the language to German. |\n" "| Press '4' followed by Enter to change the language to Indian English. |\n" "| Press '5' followed by Enter to change the language to Canadian English. |\n" "| Press '6' followed by Enter to change the language to Japanese. |\n" "| Press '7' followed by Enter to change the language to Australian English. |\n" "| Press '8' followed by Enter to change the language to French. |\n" "| Press '9' followed by Enter to change the language to Italian. |\n" "| Press 'a' followed by Enter to change the language to Spanish. |\n" "| Press 'b' followed by Enter to change the language to Mexican Spanish. |\n" "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";

static const std::string SPEAKER_CONTROL_MESSAGE = "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" "| Speaker Options: |\n" "| |\n" "| Press '1' followed by Enter to modify AVS_SPEAKER_VOLUME typed speakers. |\n" "| AVS_SPEAKER_VOLUME Speakers Control Volume For: |\n" "| Speech, Content, Notification, Bluetooth. |\n" "| Press '2' followed by Enter to modify AVS_ALERTS_VOLUME typed speakers. |\n" "| AVS_ALERTS_VOLUME Speakers Control Volume For: |\n" "| Alerts. |\n" "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";

static const std::string FIRMWARE_CONTROL_MESSAGE = "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" "| Firmware Version: |\n" "| |\n" "| Enter a decimal integer value between 1 and 2147483647. |\n" "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";

static const std::string VOLUME_CONTROL_MESSAGE = "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" "| Volume Options: |\n" "| |\n" "| Press '1' followed by Enter to increase the volume. |\n" "| Press '2' followed by Enter to decrease the volume. |\n" "| Press '3' followed by Enter to mute the volume. |\n" "| Press '4' followed by Enter to unmute the volume. |\n" "| Press 'i' to display this help screen. |\n" "| Press 'q' to exit Volume Control Mode. |\n" "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";


static const std::string PHONE_CONTROL_MESSAGE = "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" "| Phone Control Options: |\n" "| |\n" "| Press '1' followed by Enter to send CallActivated event |\n" "| Press '2' followed by Enter to send CallTerminated event |\n" "| Press '3' followed by Enter to send CallFailed event |\n" "| Press '4' followed by Enter to send CallReceived event |\n" "| Press '5' followed by Enter to send CallerIdReceived event |\n" "| Press '6' followed by Enter to send InboundRingingStarted event |\n" "| Press '7' followed by Enter to send DialStarted event |\n" "| Press '8' followed by Enter to send OutboundRingingStarted event |\n" "| Press '9' followed by Enter to send SendDtmfSucceeded event |\n" "| Press '0' followed by Enter to send SendDtmfFailed event |\n" "| Press 'i' to display this help screen. |\n" "| Press 'q' to exit Phone Control Mode. |\n" "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";

static const std::string ENTER_CALL_ID_MESSAGE = "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" "| Call ID: |\n" "| |\n" "| Enter call ID followed by Enter |\n" "| |\n" "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";

static const std::string ENTER_CALLER_ID_MESSAGE = "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" "| Caller ID: |\n" "| |\n" "| Enter caller ID followed by Enter |\n" "| |\n" "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";


static const std::string ESP_CONTROL_MESSAGE = "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" "| ESP Options: |\n" "| |\n" "| By Default ESP support is off and the implementation in the SampleApp is |\n" "| for testing purpose only! |\n" "| |\n" "| Press '1' followed by Enter to toggle ESP support. |\n" "| Press '2' followed by Enter to enter the voice energy. |\n" "| Press '3' followed by Enter to enter the ambient energy. |\n" "| Press 'q' to exit ESP Control Mode. |\n";

static const std::string RESET_CONFIRMATION = "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" "| Device Reset Confirmation: |\n" "| |\n" "| This operation will remove all your personal information, device settings, |\n" "| and downloaded content. Are you sure you want to reset your device? |\n" "| |\n" "| Press 'Y' followed by Enter to reset the device. |\n" "| Press 'N' followed by Enter to cancel the device reset operation. |\n" "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";

static const std::string REAUTHORIZE_CONFIRMATION = "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" "| Device Re-authorization Confirmation: |\n" "| |\n" "| This operation will remove all your personal information, device settings, |\n" "| and downloaded content. Are you sure you want to reauthorize your device? |\n" "| |\n" "| Press 'Y' followed by Enter to reset the device. |\n" "| Press 'N' followed by Enter to cancel re-authorization. |\n" "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";

static const std::string DONOTDISTURB_CONFIRMATION_HEADER = "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" "| Do Not Disturb Mode Configuration: |";

static const std::string ENABLE_SETTING_MENU = "| |\n" "| Press 'E' followed by Enter to enable this configuration. |\n" "| Press 'D' followed by Enter to disable this configuration. |\n" "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";

static const std::string RESET_WARNING = "Device was reset! Please don't forget to deregister it. For more details " "visit";

static const std::string ENTER_LIMITED = "Entering limited interaction mode.";

/// The name of the do not disturb confirmation setting. static const std::string DO_NOT_DISTURB_NAME = "DoNotDisturb";

UIManager::UIManager() : m_dialogState{DialogUXState::IDLE}, m_capabilitiesState{CapabilitiesObserverInterface::State::UNINITIALIZED}, m_capabilitiesError{CapabilitiesObserverInterface::Error::UNINITIALIZED}, m_authState{AuthObserverInterface::State::UNINITIALIZED}, m_authCheckCounter{0}, m_connectionStatus{avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::ConnectionStatusObserverInterface::Status::DISCONNECTED} { }

static const std::string COMMS_MESSAGE = "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" "| Comms Options: |\n" "| |\n" "| Press 'a' followed by Enter to accept an incoming call. |\n" "| Press 's' followed by Enter to stop an ongoing call. |\n" "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";

void UIManager::onDialogUXStateChanged(DialogUXState state) { m_executor.submit([this, state]() { if (state == m_dialogState) { return; } m_dialogState = state; printState(); }); }

void UIManager::onConnectionStatusChanged(const Status status, const ChangedReason reason) { m_executor.submit([this, status]() { if (m_connectionStatus == status) { return; } m_connectionStatus = status; printState(); }); }

void UIManager::onSettingChanged(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) { m_executor.submit([key, value]() { std::string msg = key + " set to " + value; ConsolePrinter::prettyPrint(msg); }); }

void UIManager::onSpeakerSettingsChanged( const SpeakerManagerObserverInterface::Source& source, const SpeakerInterface::Type& type, const SpeakerInterface::SpeakerSettings& settings) { m_executor.submit([source, type, settings]() { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "SOURCE:" << source << " TYPE:" << type << " VOLUME:" << static_cast(settings.volume) << " MUTE:" << settings.mute; ConsolePrinter::prettyPrint(oss.str()); }); }

void UIManager::onSetIndicator(avsCommon::avs::IndicatorState state) { m_executor.submit([state]() { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "NOTIFICATION INDICATOR STATE: " << state; ConsolePrinter::prettyPrint(oss.str()); }); }

void UIManager::onRequestAuthorization(const std::string& url, const std::string& code) { m_executor.submit([this, url, code]() { m_authCheckCounter = 0; ConsolePrinter::prettyPrint("NOT YET AUTHORIZED"); std::ostringstream oss; oss << "To authorize, browse to: '" << url << "' and enter the code: " << code; ConsolePrinter::prettyPrint(oss.str()); }); }

void UIManager::onCheckingForAuthorization() { m_executor.submit([this]() { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Checking for authorization (" << ++m_authCheckCounter << ")..."; ConsolePrinter::prettyPrint(oss.str()); }); }

void UIManager::onAuthStateChange(AuthObserverInterface::State newState, AuthObserverInterface::Error newError) { m_executor.submit([this, newState, newError]() { if (m_authState != newState) { m_authState = newState; switch (m_authState) { case AuthObserverInterface::State::UNINITIALIZED: break; case AuthObserverInterface::State::REFRESHED: ConsolePrinter::prettyPrint("Authorized!"); break; case AuthObserverInterface::State::EXPIRED: ConsolePrinter::prettyPrint("AUTHORIZATION EXPIRED. RETRYING..."); break; case AuthObserverInterface::State::UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR: switch (newError) { case AuthObserverInterface::Error::SUCCESS: case AuthObserverInterface::Error::UNKNOWN_ERROR: case AuthObserverInterface::Error::AUTHORIZATION_FAILED: case AuthObserverInterface::Error::UNAUTHORIZED_CLIENT: case AuthObserverInterface::Error::SERVER_ERROR: case AuthObserverInterface::Error::INVALID_REQUEST: case AuthObserverInterface::Error::INVALID_VALUE: case AuthObserverInterface::Error::UNSUPPORTED_GRANT_TYPE: case AuthObserverInterface::Error::AUTHORIZATION_PENDING: case AuthObserverInterface::Error::SLOW_DOWN: case AuthObserverInterface::Error::INTERNAL_ERROR: case AuthObserverInterface::Error::INVALID_CBL_CLIENT_ID: { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "UNRECOVERABLE AUTHORIZATION ERROR: " << newError; ConsolePrinter::prettyPrint({oss.str(), ENTER_LIMITED}); setFailureStatus(AUTH_FAILED_STR); break; } case AuthObserverInterface::Error::AUTHORIZATION_EXPIRED: ConsolePrinter::prettyPrint( {"AUTHORIZATION FAILED", "RE-AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED", ENTER_LIMITED}); setFailureStatus(REAUTH_REQUIRED_STR); break; case AuthObserverInterface::Error::INVALID_CODE_PAIR: ConsolePrinter::prettyPrint( {"AUTHORIZATION CODE EXPIRED", "(RE)-AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED", ENTER_LIMITED}); setFailureStatus(REAUTH_REQUIRED_STR); break; } break; } } }); }

void UIManager::onCapabilitiesStateChange( CapabilitiesObserverInterface::State newState, CapabilitiesObserverInterface::Error newError) { m_executor.submit([this, newState, newError]() { if ((m_capabilitiesState != newState) && (m_capabilitiesError != newError)) { m_capabilitiesState = newState; m_capabilitiesError = newError; if (CapabilitiesObserverInterface::State::FATAL_ERROR == m_capabilitiesState) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "UNRECOVERABLE CAPABILITIES API ERROR: " << m_capabilitiesError; ConsolePrinter::prettyPrint({oss.str(), ENTER_LIMITED}); setFailureStatus(CAPABILITIES_API_FAILED_STR); } } }); }

void UIManager::printWelcomeScreen() {

m_executor.submit([]() { ConsolePrinter::simplePrint(ALEXA_WELCOME_MESSAGE); });


void UIManager::printHelpScreen() { m_executor.submit([]() { ConsolePrinter::simplePrint(HELP_MESSAGE); }); }

void UIManager::printLimitedHelp() { m_executor.submit( [this]() { ConsolePrinter::simplePrint(LIMITED_HELP_HEADER + m_failureStatus + LIMITED_HELP_MESSAGE); }); }

void UIManager::printSettingsScreen() { m_executor.submit([]() { ConsolePrinter::simplePrint(SETTINGS_MESSAGE); }); }

void UIManager::printLocaleScreen() { m_executor.submit([]() { ConsolePrinter::simplePrint(LOCALE_MESSAGE); }); }

void UIManager::printSpeakerControlScreen() { m_executor.submit([]() { ConsolePrinter::simplePrint(SPEAKER_CONTROL_MESSAGE); }); }

void UIManager::printFirmwareVersionControlScreen() { m_executor.submit([]() { ConsolePrinter::simplePrint(FIRMWARE_CONTROL_MESSAGE); }); }

void UIManager::printVolumeControlScreen() { m_executor.submit([]() { ConsolePrinter::simplePrint(VOLUME_CONTROL_MESSAGE); }); }


void UIManager::printPhoneControlScreen() { m_executor.submit([]() { ConsolePrinter::simplePrint(PHONE_CONTROL_MESSAGE); }); }

void UIManager::printCallIdScreen() { m_executor.submit([]() { ConsolePrinter::simplePrint(ENTER_CALL_ID_MESSAGE); }); }

void UIManager::printCallerIdScreen() { m_executor.submit([]() { ConsolePrinter::simplePrint(ENTER_CALLER_ID_MESSAGE); }); }


void UIManager::printESPControlScreen(bool support, const std::string& voiceEnergy, const std::string& ambientEnergy) { m_executor.submit([support, voiceEnergy, ambientEnergy]() { std::string screen = ESP_CONTROL_MESSAGE; screen += "|\n"; screen += "| support = "; screen += support ? "true\n" : "false\n"; screen += "| voiceEnergy = " + voiceEnergy + "\n"; screen += "| ambientEnergy = " + ambientEnergy + "\n"; screen += "+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n"; ConsolePrinter::simplePrint(screen); }); }

void UIManager::printCommsControlScreen() { m_executor.submit([]() { ConsolePrinter::simplePrint(COMMS_MESSAGE); }); }

void UIManager::printErrorScreen() { m_executor.submit([]() { ConsolePrinter::prettyPrint("Invalid Option"); }); }

void UIManager::microphoneOff() {

m_executor.submit([]() { ConsolePrinter::prettyPrint("Microphone Off!"); });


void UIManager::printResetConfirmation() { m_executor.submit([]() { ConsolePrinter::simplePrint(RESET_CONFIRMATION); }); }

void UIManager::printReauthorizeConfirmation() { m_executor.submit([]() { ConsolePrinter::simplePrint(REAUTHORIZE_CONFIRMATION); }); }

void UIManager::printResetWarning() { m_executor.submit([]() { ConsolePrinter::prettyPrint(RESET_WARNING); }); }

void UIManager::printDoNotDisturbScreen() { m_executor.submit([]() { ConsolePrinter::simplePrint(DONOTDISTURB_CONFIRMATION_HEADER); ConsolePrinter::simplePrint(ENABLE_SETTING_MENU); }); }

void UIManager::microphoneOn() { m_executor.submit([this]() { printState(); }); }

void UIManager::onBooleanSettingNotification( const std::string& name, bool state, settings::SettingNotifications notification) { std::string msg; if (settings::SettingNotifications::LOCAL_CHANGE_FAILED == notification || settings::SettingNotifications::AVS_CHANGE_FAILED == notification) { msg = "ERROR: Failed to set " + name + ". "; } msg += name + " is " + std::string(state ? "ON" : "OFF"); m_executor.submit([msg]() { ConsolePrinter::prettyPrint(msg); }); }

void UIManager::printState() { if (m_connectionStatus == avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::ConnectionStatusObserverInterface::Status::DISCONNECTED) { ConsolePrinter::prettyPrint("Client not connected!"); } else if (m_connectionStatus == avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::ConnectionStatusObserverInterface::Status::PENDING) { ConsolePrinter::prettyPrint("Connecting..."); } else if (m_connectionStatus == avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::ConnectionStatusObserverInterface::Status::CONNECTED) { switch (m_dialogState) { case DialogUXState::IDLE: ConsolePrinter::prettyPrint("Alexa is currently idle!"); return; case DialogUXState::LISTENING:

    system("play /home/pi/sounds/sml_ui_wakesound.wav");
        case DialogUXState::EXPECTING:
        case DialogUXState::THINKING:
        case DialogUXState::SPEAKING:
         * This is an intermediate state after a SPEAK directive is completed. In the case of a speech burst the
         * next SPEAK could kick in or if its the last SPEAK directive ALEXA moves to the IDLE state. So we do
         * nothing for this state.
        case DialogUXState::FINISHED:


void UIManager::printESPDataOverrideNotSupported() { m_executor.submit([]() { ConsolePrinter::simplePrint("Cannot override ESP Value in this device."); }); }

void UIManager::printESPNotSupported() { m_executor.submit([]() { ConsolePrinter::simplePrint("ESP is not supported in this device."); }); }

void UIManager::printCommsNotSupported() { m_executor.submit([]() { ConsolePrinter::simplePrint("Comms is not supported in this device."); }); }

void UIManager::setFailureStatus(const std::string& status) { if (!status.empty() && status != m_failureStatus) { m_failureStatus = status; printLimitedHelp(); } }

bool UIManager::configureSettingsNotifications(std::shared_ptr settingsManager) { m_callbacks = SettingCallbacks::create(settingsManager); if (!m_callbacks) { ACSDK_ERROR(LX("configureSettingsNotificationsFailed").d("reason", "createCallbacksFailed")); return false; } bool ok = m_callbacks->add([this](bool enable, SettingNotifications notifications) { onBooleanSettingNotification(DO_NOT_DISTURB_NAME, enable, notifications); }); return ok; }

} // namespace sampleApp } // namespace alexaClientSDK

samcoult commented 5 years ago


Are you still having any issue? I will close this ticket for inactivity, feel free to re-open it or create a new ticket if you still have a problem.