alexabbott / firebase-cms

A CMS + E-commerce platform built with Angular and Firebase
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Service worker code caching #12

Open MattiJarvinen opened 6 years ago

MattiJarvinen commented 6 years ago

angular/service-worker is a good option to cache files for returning users. source code provides nice way to update service worker on navigation event.

Something along the lines of and RefresherService

import { SwUpdatesService } from '../modules/sw-updates/sw-updates.service';
import { Injectable, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { Router, NavigationStart } from '@angular/router';
import { LoggerService } from './logger.service';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs/Rx';

export class RefresherService implements OnDestroy {
    private swUpdateActivated = false;
    private unsubscribe: Subject<void> = new Subject();

    constructor( router: Router, swUpdatesService: SwUpdatesService, private logger: LoggerService) {
        .subscribe( () => this.swUpdateActivated = true);
        .filter( event => event instanceof NavigationStart )
        .subscribe( (event: NavigationStart) => {
            if (this.swUpdateActivated) {
                this.log(`Update during navigation ${event.url}`);
                window.location.assign( event.url );
            } else {
                this.log(`No need to update on navigation: ${event.url}`);

    private log( message: string): void {
        this.logger.log('Service Worker Refresher', message);

    public ngOnDestroy() {;