alexadam / save-as-ebook

Save a web page/selection as an eBook (.epub format) - a Chrome/Firefox/Opera Web Extension
MIT License
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Saving a page, "Save as a eBook" hangs in BUSY state (and icon) #31

Open fmanclossi opened 5 years ago

fmanclossi commented 5 years ago

Trying to saving Extension freezes and icon show Busy status even after browser restart.

How can I clean up state?

Thanks in advance

miguelitoelgrande commented 5 years ago

Hi Fmanclossi, the page seems to cause parsing issues within the extension. So, a retry would not help either on this page.

Are you using the extension with Chrome or Firefox? I am on Chrome and seems like I can use the extension on other pages afterwards. You might want to try disable/enable the extension in your browser or remove/reinstall. The browser/extension probably keeps some intermediate stuff while the extension tries to create the .epub.

Regards, Michael

alexadam commented 5 years ago

I'll take a look on it as soon as possible. Thanks for reporting it!