alexadam / save-as-ebook

Save a web page/selection as an eBook (.epub format) - a Chrome/Firefox/Opera Web Extension
MIT License
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Superb Extension! - #40

Open seasaltseasalt opened 3 years ago

seasaltseasalt commented 3 years ago

Superb extension -- thankyou very much. To access my chapters I needed to login (proxy). Now all the embedded links (there are 100s) have the proxy rather than link to the correct ebook page/section. Is this easy to fix? e.g. footnotes, author index, subject index, references etc etc..

Other than that, the EPUB is a brilliant result for my 16 chapters, 5 appendix.

This is the 5th tool I have tried and only one that grabbed ALL the content. Done successfully

[Environment: Chrome Extension on Cataliana] [Extension settings used: selection, CSS settings checkmark on)

Workflow 1 Opened each chapter into a tab, then for each tab, Selected content on page 2 Using "Save as ebook" Extension, save each "selection" of page as chapter 3 edit chapters, reviewed to make sure none missing. Had missed chapter 4. so re did it (took a bit for the chapter I missed to appear under edit chapter. It appeared after I made sure all tabs that were showing edit chapter were closed. 4 added Chapter Numbers as this was not on source to listing of chapters 5 generate ebook

alexadam commented 3 years ago

Thank you! While reading your message I realized there is no option to backup your data. So you have 16 chapters, probably a lot of content. The ebook data is stored in the browser's local storage. If you delete the local storage, you lose everything.

I'm thinking of a way to export/import the raw data (maybe as a json or something, images might be a problem) so that you can backup and restore on any browser.

So your problem is only with the internal links? I'll take a look to see if there is a quick fix.

seasaltseasalt commented 3 years ago

Thankyou alexadam. I generated then Ebook, so no data lost. Backup -- would really only needed from my perspective, if the extension doesnt work as expected and then I need to redo the steps in workflow to generate the ebook.

I did encounter 2 further issues. Both related to Chapter References. 1 important, 1 probably not that important.

1) important - as have 100s of Chapter References. This is a link within the same web page (a chapter). Problem is the Identifier (bibitem-1) of the chapter references in HTML got lost by the Save-to-Ebook extension.

HTML shows (I saved a page as HTML only and viewed it BBEdit) <p id="m-ISBN-chapter-1-bibItem-1">Abraham, K. R. and Kulhara, P. (1987). Title of Book. <i>British Journal of Psychiatry</i>, <b>151</b>, 152–5.

Save-As-Ebook shows <p class="TD0">Abraham, K. R. and Kulhara, P. (1987). Title . <i class="ZR661">British Journal of Psychiatry</i>, <b class="po917">151</b>, 152–5

The identifier online, allows you to be navigated to the exact chapter reference point. Some chapters have over 100 reference points.

2) Not so important - Chapter Reference cross reference (aka Find this Resource) links were lost by save-to-ebook. The Find this Resource links are a level underneath the chapter page e.g. I click the + online to expand and see the cross reference resources.

Thinking the option to include another level or not is better e.g. include Find this Reource or not. Often Find this Resource is only ever available online versus offline in EPUB.

HTML shows 152–5. <span class="findthisresourcehead">Find this resource:</span></p><ul class="findthisresource m-ISBN-chapter-1-bibItem-1"><li><a href="MYPROXY/10.1192/bjp.151.2.152" target="_blank" class="crossref" referrer="origin-when-cross-origin"><span>CrossRef</span></a></li><li><a href="EXTERNALURL-MYPROXY-/pubmed/3318990" target="_blank" class="crossref" referrer="origin-when-cross-origin"><span>Medline</span>

Save-As-Ebook shows 152–5.<span class="VQ918">Find this resource:</span></p>