alexadam / save-as-ebook

Save a web page/selection as an eBook (.epub format) - a Chrome/Firefox/Opera Web Extension
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Table borders are not present in the ePub #51

Open bunglegrind opened 2 years ago

bunglegrind commented 2 years ago

Similar to #50, borders are not present in the tables (and I suppose in every other place).

Save the following page:

with the custom CSS rules:

  display: none!important;

.has-toc {
  margin-left: 0!important;
  border-left: none!important;

and check the borders of the first table. I'm using Firefox on Windows, I haven't tested on Chrome. The reason is the "border" property: in Firefox it's an empty string and when you grab its content in

you get nothing.

I've locally fixed the issue by changing the content of the supportedCss array in

const supportedCss = [
bunglegrind commented 2 years ago

well, that's the same for padding

bunglegrind commented 2 years ago

...and font