alexalouit / ISPConfig-letsencrypt

Let's Encrypt support for ISPConfig
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Use email address field from client table by default to issue certificates #13

Open WKnak opened 8 years ago

WKnak commented 8 years ago

Feature request: right now the email in letsencrypt command line is hardcoded in this format postmaster@$domain. This is a good solution right now.

My sugestion is to get email address from ISPConfig client table, if provided.

Also, I don't know if we have to use same domain of the certificate and email address. So, maybe you could get the email address in this order:

I think hostmaster is better than postmaster, which refers to mail servers admins (even if most of time they are the same guy).

MZorzy commented 8 years ago

or add a new emal address on SSL page under Letsencrypt section & ispconfig db. so if there are a problem with ssl can send directly to hosting, nor to client

alexalouit commented 8 years ago

A new email field would be a good solution.

ISPConfig 3.1 will coming soon. Obviously, this version supports Let's Encrypt, so I will help to develop as priority for this stable release. My development time on repo will be disrupted, but it remains open to collaboration and patch submitted.