alexalouit / ISPConfig-letsencrypt

Let's Encrypt support for ISPConfig
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allow subdomains #18

Closed exmatrikulator closed 8 years ago

exmatrikulator commented 8 years ago

allow subdomains, which are configured in ispconfig.

JustDevZero commented 8 years ago

As far as I've seen "Let's encrypt" in that patch is asking for a domain/subdomain and It's respective www", so... I just thit the trick to create "www.mysubdomain.mydomain.tld" after creating "subdomain.mydomain.tld" and It worked.

I haven't check if there is some way to avoid that "www" need, but for know worked for me.

exmatrikulator commented 8 years ago

it's ignoring the ispconfig entries under subdomains :(

See86 commented 8 years ago

Any news for subdomain ?

JustDevZero commented 8 years ago

Instead of creating them as "subdomains", try to create they as normal "Websites", and in the "Auto-Subdomain" instead of selecting "www", select "none", this should work.

See86 commented 8 years ago

Can you add an option for vhost subdomain ? I don't show let's encrypt on it. I can create certificate for it but not with let's encrypt.

alexalouit commented 8 years ago

You're right. Let me some days to see that.

mattanja commented 8 years ago

+1 subdomain config would come in handy. Will your plugin/ISPConfig overwrite the settings file in /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/*.conf if I add sub-domains manually?

Because that would probably be the easiest workaround: first let this plugin setup the domain and the symlink, then update the certificate by executing:

/opt/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto certonly \
-w /var/www/clients/client111/web111/web \
-d your-domain.xy \
-d a.your-domain.xy \
-d b.your-domain.xy \
-d c.your-domain.xy \
-d d.your-domain.xy \
-d e.your-domain.xy \

You'll also need to update the renawal config in /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/your-domain.xy.conf and update the list of domains.

(And btw: thanks for this great plugin, worked like a charm out of the box!)

alexalouit commented 8 years ago

fix in f74f4a1